Similar words: estrus, shoestring, abstruse, mistrust, distrust, real estate investment trust, mistrustful, distrustful. Meaning: n. 1. applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity 2. type genus of the Oestridae: sheep botflies.

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1, Why did human oestrus fade almost entirely away so that human beings copulate when one partner is not fertile?
2, Accurate recognition of sow oestrus is the key technique for identifying the optimal mating time and improving insemination.
3, During oestrus or direct contact, panda show their likes or dislikes, their intimate through different frequencies of clicks, howls, roars, and baas .
4, The problem that the detection of cow oestrus is difficult in detecting is one of all the problems.
5, Immunization didn't prevent ewes from oestrus and improved lambing rate from 115.38% (Group C) to 164.71% (Group T).
6, Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS(oestrus cow serum) or FBS had higher blastocyte yield(26.4%, 29.9%) than that in culture medium with free serum(10.3%).
7, Oestrus cycle arises after sexual maturation in female mammal. It is regulated by the internal factors such as endocrine and nervous system and affected by outer enviroment such as season.
8, The animal has arrived at oestrus, has been also block of wood eating and drinking frequently, showing such as being to fidgeting.
9, Donation is like oestrus, they desire it the moment they remember it.
10, Postpartum oestrus inducement in milking ewes can shorten the time between yeaning and next pregnancy effectively and use ewes'fertility farthest to enhance economic returns of cultivation.
11, Oestrus was checked by means ofthe observing vulva and vaginal smear.
12, Oestrus behavior and insemination of weaning sows in summer were studied using infrared sensor system.
13, It also increases uterine blood supply and tone, relaxes the cervix and brings the goat into oestrus.
14, Alternatively it is possible to check females and mate up only those animals that are in oestrus.
15, This hormone, called gonadotrophin, can be suppressed by certain drugs that stop the oestrus cycle without causing serious side-effects.
16, Immature females interacted with adult females primarily when the latter were lactating; immature males did so when they were in oestrus.
17, The newcomer mates as soon as females are in oestrus.
18, Effects of hormone dosage, interval time of hormone injection, oestrus period, season and temperature influenced on mouse superovulation were studied in this experiment.
19, In this paper a microprocessor controlling infra-red detecting system were successfully developed and used to recognize the oestrus of sow.
20, Using female mice in research is complicated by the females' oestrus cycle - it impacts on neuro-physiological parameters,[] including behaviour and perception of stress.
21, Bactrian camels have their own reproductive physiological characteristics such as seasonal oestrus and ovulation inducement.
22, The concentration of LH arrived at the highest value on the day of oestrus and decreased gradually after that day.
23, He increased the reproduction rate of rabbits by inducing oestrus.
24, Male peacock: Bah, you are mean, old love sees my oestrus!
25, The bulb will facilitate reptile's night activities such as eating, growth, propagation and oestrus etc and thus will be a necessary night light bulb for amphibian reptile breeding.
26, The duration and the interval of post - partum oestrus were 33.0 hours and 76.6 dars repectively.
27, Transient increase in hair progesterone content was recorded during the behavioral oestrus of the four giant pandas.
28, These dataes showed that Zigong black goat was a goat with advanges of the litter-bearing, the many lambs of per litter, the high fecundity and the perennial oestrus.
29, Complementary technologies such as the monitoring of reproductive hormones, oestrus synchronization and semen sexing can improve the efficiency of AI.
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