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Large-scale in a sentence

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Sentence count:248+4Posted:2017-08-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: on a large scalelargesslargestlargesseturn the scalelargelargerlargelyMeaning: adj. 1. unusually large in scope 2. constructed or drawn to a big scale. 
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91 A large-scale map was pinned to one wall and there was a blackboard for briefings.
92 In the phases of large-scale antislavery mobilisation within Britain these two purposes were pursued simultaneously, though sometimes using different printed materials.
93 Although the ever-present rumors abounded, the next large-scale insurrection did not occur until January 1811 in Louisiana.
94 Precision dating of mineral deposits Many mineral deposits are the result of large-scale circulation of hydrothermal fluid in the upper crust.
95 DecentralizedHow can any large-scale project ever get anything done with only ten people?
96 The plan provided for large-scale modernization and renovation of public housing and the continuation of some housing subsidies for new construction.
97 There is no large-scale effort to stamp out the fires because, in most cases, they are burning on private land.
98 Given federal budget constraints, though, large-scale prescribed burns are pretty unlikely.
99 Gloucester was simply not sufficiently involved in the region to maintain a large-scale connection against competition from local lords.
100 An important point is that these large-scale convection cells fit in with the dimensions of plates.
101 These interviews will be followed by a large-scale postal survey of a nationally representative sample of marketing executives.
102 In front of it, large-scale and public religious festivals took place, bringing temple and town together.
103 The large-scale immigration of Low Country Sinhalese disrupted the local social structure.
104 The living room was fitted as a command post with radio and large-scale maps on the wall.
105 The time span which is likely to be required for a generation of more effective large-scale entrepreneurs to evolve is considerable.
106 Within large-scale industry, the crippling specialisation of the individual machine-minders is one aspect of the division of labour.
107 It is a large-scale data collection and analysis exercise begun back in the early 1960s by the General Electric Company.
108 That financial crisis weathered(, Zyuganov will then have to find the money for large-scale state investment in tumbledown factories.
109 Or for a civil engineering student not to appreciate the environmental implications of large-scale works such as the channel tunnel.
110 Likewise the pesticides and weedkillers used in large-scale crop-farming kill plants and wildlife and pollute the atmosphere.
111 A successful prosecution would bankrupt it, leading to large-scale redundancies in an area of high unemployment.
112 Such a direction has been issued, for example, in respect of a large-scale retail shopping development.
113 Many large-scale competitor data bases, especially those on mainframes, have fallen into disuse.
114 We recommend immediate large-scale immunisation of the urban population, as well as tightened surveillance and appropriate vector control.
115 It is a tribute to the hard work of soft ware professionals that large-scale disruption was avoided.
116 Complex technology requires large-scale production, and so the need for huge investments of capital and large organisational structures.
117 At a time of large-scale privatization, one should be seeking to strengthen competition policy.
118 Steam-power meant a new and intense concentration of large-scale industry and of the labour force to man it.
119 Fears of large-scale coastal flooding were averted as the fierce winds shifted at the last minute.
120 During its incipient Asiatic stage, the Mormon state was not based on a large-scale hydraulic system.
More similar words: on a large scalelargesslargestlargesseturn the scalelargelargerlargelyenlargeat largemercalli scaleenlargedby and largesales targetenlargementscalescaledescalatescalara large number oflarge intestinescalenescale upph scaleescalatorscale downescalationfull-scalemolecular geneticsrichter scale
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