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Get up in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+14Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ariseattirebonebone upbring upcramdeck outdeck updevisedress updrumelevatefancy upfig outfig upgrind awaygussy upliftmachinatemug uporganiseorganizeoverdressprepareprinkraiserig outrisestand upswotswot uptog outtog uptrick outtrick upturn outuprisework upSimilar words: let upset upmeet up withreturnin returntake turnssit upput upMeaning: v. 1. rise to one's feet 2. get up and out of bed 3. raise from a lower to a higher position 4. cause to rise 5. develop 6. put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive 7. arrange by systematic planning and united effort 8. study intensively, as before an exam. 
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121. Even reading your horoscope can get up your nose.
122. Get up on your hind legs.
123. It's pandemonium, because people can't get up.
124. So they had to get up the slope fast.
125. I put my hat on and get up.
126. What time do you need to get up tomorrow?
127. Get up, you lazy thing! It's nearly lunchtime.
128. Changez lay writhing on the floor, unable to get up.
129. It seemed to take for ever to get up that face, like climbing the rungs of Jacob's ladder.
130. They drink hot soup and get up with the painful slowness of old men.
131. I laid there for a second, and when I tried to get up, my head was just spinning.
132. All you have to do is get up close, keep your temper, and shoot straight.
133. Meg tried to get up to see, but with a gentle pressure he pushed her back down.
134. I dislike having to get up so early in the morning.
135. Let's say you get up in the morning and spend 15 minutes sitting down for breakfast.
136. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. Paulo Coelho 
137. He folded up sideways against the winch, and immediately tried to get up again.
138. We get up and Molloy gets hold of Mowat again and Mowat swings round battering him right across the road.
139. I didn't realise it would get up your nose so quickly and so far.
140. With luck he could slip through his legs, get up the stairs,( then off through the yard and away.
141. If I had any class at all, I would get up from this desk and go buy bagels.
142. Can you manage to get up to the house under your own steam while I bring up the food?
143. And if you try and get up now, you will do yourself damage.
144. You didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to work out yardages.
145. I know I need to get up and get going.
146. Don't get up if you're feeling rough - I'll bring you some breakfast in bed.
147. She get up, she get down, she roll, she kick the stomach, like crazy woman.
148. Facts to be learned by rote are often best assimilated just before bedtime, when you get up or when walking.
149. We'll need a ladder to get up on the roof.
150. She tried to get up on all fours, and bumped her head on the underside of the bed.
More similar words: let upset upmeet up withreturnin returntake turnssit upput upeat upcut upin return forlight upshoot upstart upbuilt upput up with
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