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Downward adjustment in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-05-10Updated:2024-05-10
Similar words: adjustmentreadjustmentmaladjustmentself-adjustmentadjustment costsperiod of adjustmentseasonal adjustmentparameter adjustment
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1, Baosteel still room for downward adjustment.
2, At a certain point, there will be a downward adjustment and that will also hit the public as well as the banking sector.
3, The cumulative effects of upward adjustments 2 through 6 more than offset the first downward adjustment.
4, From the upstream raw material situation, CPL,( adjustment.html) nylon chips market was in a downward adjustment.
5, Surprisingly, evaluation of the data for Nicaragua and Paraguay showed overreporting of adult deaths, so a downward adjustment of 20% to 30% was required.
6, "Given that we had a pretty good run-up in prices, some downward adjustment shouldn't be surprising, " he says.
7, The monetary policy, interest rates, reserve rates have room for a downward adjustment.
8, Second , focus: real estate today, the overall strength steadily, to block a downward adjustment of space.
9, Economists said the sharp inventory drop could lead to a downward adjustment to second-quarter gross domestic product, but higher output in the third quarter.
10, Lower baseline output for 4Q 2004 also underpins a modest downward adjustment to 2005 supply.
More similar words: adjustmentreadjustmentmaladjustmentself-adjustmentadjustment costsperiod of adjustmentseasonal adjustmentparameter adjustmentprocess of adjustmentdownwarddownwardsdownwardlydownward-slopinglie face downwardsadjusting entryadjusting entriesadjustreadjustadjusteradjustedadjustoradjust toadjustingadjustiveadjustableunadjustedmaladjustedwell-adjustedself-adjustingadjusted basis
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