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Cortical area in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-08-28Updated:2024-08-28
Similar words: thalamocorticalcorticalcorticallysubcorticalcritical areatranscorticaladrenocorticaldecorticateMeaning: n. any of various regions of the cerebral cortex. 
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1. That system selects the cortical areas appropriate to the task at hand.
2. Electrical stimulation of which cortical area would elicit contractions of the contralateral hand muscles?
3. The shallow cortical area is supplied by the periosteal arterioles.
4. The relationship between motor cortical area, pyramidal tracts and brain gliomas was demonstrated, which was used to optimize-the pre-surgical planning.
5. The mechanism of functional coordination between different cortical area of human brain is an important problem for the brain cognitive research and the neuroscience.
6. These results suggest that within each cortical area, the "message" defining a given hand movement is widely disseminated.
7. The specific feature set points and the corresponding cortical area excited about a certain correlation between the.
8. Most HI were found at the border of the infarction focus and the cortical area, and mainly attributed to haemorrhage from small veins and capillaries.
9. The projection from the ventral posterior nucleus (VP) of the thalamus to the somatic sensory cortical area (SmI) in the rat was studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method.
10. In the invading metaphase , the hyphae of the pathogen can invade the cortical area of cells of susceptible varieties, but only can invade the outer cortex cells of resistant descendants.
11. This experiment provides a fast and relatively accurate method to calculate the retinotopic eccentricities in a large cortical area of the visual cortex. area.html
12. No effect was found in those animals with lesion of equal amount of area in cortical area.
13. This technique will be especially effective especially when the lesion is deep-seated or located in a sensitive cortical area.
More similar words: thalamocorticalcorticalcorticallysubcorticalcritical areatranscorticaladrenocorticaldecorticatevorticaldecorticationvertical axisvertical anglepolitical arenageographical areavertical analysisvertical alignmentabdominal aortic aneurysmcorticescorticoidcorticospinalcorticosteronecorticotropincorticosteroidglucocorticoidverticalparticalaortic archlocal area networklocal-area networkpractical application
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