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By- in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2018-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
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(1) Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps. 
(2) The tree is known by its [his] fruit. 
(3) By writing you learn to write. 
(4) By the side of sickness health becomes sweet. 
(5) The fox is known by his brush. 
(6) Two quarrel and a third profits by it. 
(7) Every tree is known by its own fruit. 
(8) Measure another's corn by one's own bushel. 
(9) One never loses anything by politeness. 
(10) Theings present are judged by things past. 
(11) He who lives near the woods is not frightened by owls. 
(12) The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquirde it. 
(13) Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended. 
(14) Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time. 
(15) He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. 
(16) We are like wheat, here on earth to ripen. We ripen intellectually by letting in as much of the universe's complexity as we can. Morally we ripen by making our choices. And we ripen spiritually by openig our eyes to Creation's endless detail. 
(17) I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone. 
(18) Those who foolishly seek power by riding on the back of the tiger and up inside. 
(19) Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire. 
(20) There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 
(21) Hemoprotein is one of the blood process by- products and has been widely used in food and medicine.
(22) The bimolecular quenching constants by- these anilines depend on the solvent viscosity and may exceed theoretical diffusion controlled limit in viscous hydrocarbons.
(23) They talked together on Swinburne and Rossetti[], after which she led him beyond his depth into the by- paths of French literature.
(24) To seal rings the film needs adhesion and cohesion strength to prevent blow-by , compression loss, and oil by- passing the rings to the combustion chamber.
(25) The magnetic properties as mentioned above were measured in a steady magnetic field by an astatic magnetometer designed by- ourself.
Total 25, 30 Per page  1/1 
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