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Poultry in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3Posted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: domestic fowlfowlSimilar words: poulticesultryultrasoundultravioletultramodernultraviolet lightultranationalistmulticulturalMeaning: ['pəʊltrɪ]  n. 1. a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl 2. flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food. 
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31. Canned meats and poultry, which can be opened just before eating, are good options.
32. Main courses might include fish, poultry, lean meat and vegetarian dishes, but you should avoid sauces.
33. Pack cooked meat or poultry in clean bags or containers, not in the same containers that held them raw.
34. The wholesale fruit and poultry market opens before dawn on Saturday and is all packed up by seven o'clock in the morning.
35. The friar walked back up to the Poultry and knocked on the coroner's door.
36. When I was nine he started a large poultry farm west of Delray Beach, Florida.
37. Tainted meat and poultry cause thousands of illnesses and hundreds of deaths each year.
38. An old man who worked in a poultry store was stopped for running a light.
39. First, the meat and poultry component and all other ingredients must have been inspected for wholesomeness.
40. Hepzibah was good at most things she did, making pastry and telling stories and keeling poultry.
41. Read in studio It's four weeks now since the Sun Valley poultry factory was destroyed by fire.
42. The goose was to come from Mr Evans's older sister who lived outside the town and kept poultry.
43. All have been defined by the United States Department of Agriculture for poultry products in interstate commerce.
44. Thoroughly wash the containers and all surfaces 011 which raw meat or poultry have been placed. 4.
45. The residents grew their own rice, set up a small poultry farm, wove baskets and cultivated the orchard.
46. Inspection for wholesomeness of meat and poultry in interstate and intrastate commerce is mandatory; inspection of imported meat is mandatory.
47. Sweets, eggs or poultry, would also be considered a treat, and appear only once a week.
48. People in Maldon have been rushing out to nearby stores and clearing the shelves of meat and poultry.
49. There are professionals feasting on rare weekday picnics of wine and poultry and biscuits.
50. Poultry burgers must consist of 100 percent poultry meat of the kind indicated on the label.
51. Opponents to the technique claim that it can be dangerous, and poultry industry representatives are themselves cautious of adopting it.
52. Serve them chilled either as an aperitif or try them with white meat, poultry dishes and cheeses.
53. Canned poultry with broth must contain at least 80 percent poultry meat, skin, and fat.
54. As Athelstan turned off Cheapside into Poultry, he could still hear their loud guffaws of laughter.
55. I have seen poultry and rabbits and large baskets of butter and eggs sharing seats down to Barnard Castle.
56. There is a difference in price of 4p a pound in poultry meat due to inspection charges.
57. Stillman was a strict carnivore, allowing his patients to eat only lean meat, poultry, eggs,( and low-fat cheeses.
58. Lean meat, fish, poultry, dry beans and peas: Five to six ounces cooked daily.
59. Frozen poultry may be cooked with or without thawing, but commercially frozen stuffed poultry should be cooked without thawing.
60. From left, standing, business manager; sales specialist; senior sales specialist; district poultry manager.
More similar words: poulticesultryultrasoundultravioletultramodernultraviolet lightultranationalistmulticulturalpaltrysoulfoulmouldghoulcouldwouldjouleshouldmouldyfoullyaltruistaltruismmaltreatwould-besmouldershoulderpoutpouraltruisticinfiltratespout
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