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Poultry in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3Posted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: domestic fowlfowlSimilar words: poulticesultryultrasoundultravioletultramodernultraviolet lightultranationalistmulticulturalMeaning: ['pəʊltrɪ]  n. 1. a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl 2. flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food. 
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181. The pole in polecat is the same pole as in poultry.
182. In another direction, Perdue was able to generate a substantial buzz with its precooked poultry Shortcuts by cleverly merchandising them in close proximity to pre-washed salads in the produce aisle.
183. Remove as much fat as possible from the pan drippings with tips from an experienced life-long cook in this free video on cooking poultry.
184. Learn how to finish making pan gravy for herb roasted chicken with pan gravy with expert cooking tips in this free classic poultry recipe video clip.
185. Newcastle disease is one of poultry infectious diseases caused by Newcastle disease virus.
186. A mathematic model for the liquid chromatography determination of clopidol residues in poultry meat was established in this experiment.
187. Also, vaccination of unexposed poultry in affected areas is being undertaken to create a buffer-zone and help contain the outbreaks.
188. The invention relates to a method for preparing an immunity regulatory agent for cattle, poultry and aquatic livestock, which belongs to the biological agent field.
189. Moreover, separately added KGM and KSAP could also reduce the hardness, gumminess and chewiness of recombinant poultry hams.
190. None of the participants recalled having any respiratory illness during the 12-month period prior to the survey, despite regular, close contact with poultry, and in some cases, pigs.
191. Introduction : Refrigerated island for Frozen food, Ice - cream and Pre - packed Fresh food and Poultry.
192. Avian reovirus infections spreading in chickens cause serious economic problems for commercial poultry producers throughout the world.
193. The result shows that rape seed cake can partly replace andcomp - mpund feed andand poultry grow normally.
194. For livestock and poultry house, the degree of malodor contamination in summer is higher than that in other seasons.
195. Distribution of livestock can be shown better by symbols representing cattle, sheep, goats, poultry etc.
196. Use separate dishes, cutting boards and utensils for preparing raw meat, fish or poultry.
197. Food Matching: Sweetbread , kidney veal , Parma ham, rack of lamb with little vegetable, poultry game bird.
198. Hoping to lock in policies backed by a pro-business administration, poultry farmers are seeking an exemption for the smelly fumes produced by tons of chicken manure.
199. This study shows that much of our meat and poultry is contaminated with multidrug-resistant Staph.
200. Sulfamethazine has been used to treat bacterial diseases in human and veterinary medicine and to promote growth in cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry.
201. Provide secure shouter ( shelter ) for potry [ poultry ] , rabbits and other animals that could be attacked.
202. The intestinal disease known as coccidiosis caused by protozoan parasites of genus Eimeria is one of the most economically devastating diseases in the poultry industry world wide.
More similar words: poulticesultryultrasoundultravioletultramodernultraviolet lightultranationalistmulticulturalpaltrysoulfoulmouldghoulcouldwouldjouleshouldmouldyfoullyaltruistaltruismmaltreatwould-besmouldershoulderpoutpouraltruisticinfiltratespout
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