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Haired in a sentence

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Sentence count:76Posted:2017-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: impairedhairhairychairhairdohaircutchairmanfresh airMeaning: [herd /heəd]  adj. having or covered with hair. 
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31. I am purebred Short - haired Cat note of cats, My master spoils me very much.
32. She must have been 6 a beautiful brown - haired, freckle - faced girl. It was pouring outside.
33. I was 13, sunburned, shaggy - haired, a little aloof, and solitary.
34. A tight - lipped woman and a dark - haired boy appeared at the door.
35. I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70's, white - haired, and still beautiful.
36. The nomads of the the earth with theirss creature and sleep in Yak - haired tents.
37. Chen, Fanbian become a hornet's nest within the party(, may be a stab haired package.
38. Local long - haired types and even a few tourists - pitch in to help from time to time.
39. A dark haired girl who bitweight than usual can be referred to as a chubby brunette.
40. Draco Malfoy is a slick haired , evil, nasty little really.
41. Away from it toddled coveys of wondering , tangle - haired, barefooted, unwashed children.
42. She was small and slight in person , pale, sandy - haired.
43. IT ought to HAs be 6 ages old, the beautiful brown haired, freckle - expressiond image of innocence.
44. While dark - haired Bill exudes genteel values, Eric thrills with bad - boy mystique.
45. Blond - haired blue - eyed Westerners also come for a look-see .
46. A wild, shaggy - haired ox ( Bos grunniens ) of the mountains of central Asia.
47. White Haired Woman was a melodrama, but in certain spots it was deliberately funny.
47. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
48. We've heard parents comment unfavorably about long - haired toy animals.
49. Perhaps the scariness effect is much more "drastic" as you call it, if they use a long haired girl to do the spooking.
50. A fair - haired, big - bellied man was watching Harry anxiously.
51. Your mother has or had a short - haired, curly perm or dyed.
52. In the published calendar photos, silver- haired Betty smiled with a silk pajamas, appearing together with half-naked brisance men, looking still attractive.
53. She made her first appearance on the stage in the character of the white - haired girl .
54. It distinguished more hip African - Americans from their short - haired conformist counterparts.
55. He was a very active lad, fair - haired, freckled touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him.
56. The dark - haired temptress and Master Van Dort slipped away into the night!
57. Draco Malfoy is a slick haired , evil, nasty little really. Yeah.
58. A small, sandy - haired woman who worked in the next cubicle to Winston was between them.
59. man whom he called Morgan - an old, grey - haired, mahogany - faced sailor - came forward pretty sheepishly, rolling his quid.
60. They all waited their turn and were one by one shown into the prince's cabinet and out again by the aide-de-camp , a handsome, fair - haired youth.
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