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Distract in a sentence

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Sentence count:95+3Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: confusedisturbdivertAntonym: attractSimilar words: abstractattractcontractdistressdistrictcontractorattractionattractiveMeaning: [dɪ'strækt]  v. 1. draw someone's attention away from something 2. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed. 
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61. Studies of volunteers enrapt in addictive video games show that gamers continue to play on despite multiple attempts to distract them.
62. The noise out of window makes me distract from my reading.
63. That'll distract the judge and the jury from weakness of your case.
64. Bellick a disturbance at a betting window of a racetrack to distract security.
65. Do not distract me. I an trying to concentrate on my studying.
66. It isn't enough for nuclear energy to make sense; the fighting that comes with it will only distract us from our goal, which is to make clean fuel.
67. Disease, languor, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, delusion, impotency and instability are the obstacles that distract the mind.
68. Call the animals or distract them in any way and for whatever reason in the course or during the rounding up in the Bull Ring.
69. Nanayakkara said the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) made the explosion to distract the attention of the security forces, who are engaging the LTTE in the north.
70. He smoked an old sea wolf's pipe that he lit only for chess, and my grandfather said it was a trick to distract his opponent.
71. Police in France are looking for two attractive female thieves who bared their breasts at a man at a cashpoint to distract him before stealing his money.
72. But does grunting distract an opponent?Ivan Lendl complained that Andre Agassi's howls in the 1988 US Open threw off his concentration and timing.
73. I heard you are into painting. Remember not to let women who are too pretty or dressed to scandalously into the exhibition, it would distract your guests from your paintings.
74. But first of all, we must think of a way to distract the attention of Aileen.
75. The intention was to distract egg - laying females from furniture or structural wood.
76. Since the mid-1990s Terrifica has donned a golden mask, Valkyrie bra, blond wig, red boots and cape, to distract the men she tries to dissuade from seducing drunk young women.
77. At last, it gives the principle and design of the distract circuit, simulated signal circuit and the A/D transfer circuit in detail.
78. NASA's flight directors intentionally have mals crop up in these stimulations . Tiger Wood's father used to yell at his son just as he was about to swing to try and distract him.
79. What can we do to distract her mind from the sorrow caused byher child's death?
80. Do the things external which fall upon thee distract thee?
81. He needs to concentrate. Don't distract his mind from his studies.
82. Do you think I am trying to distract you from meditation?
83. This level of detail in icons serves only to distract from data and function controls.
84. First: We must distract our attention and find some fun it.
84. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
85. "She was turning them on," Yarbrough explains, "and that's a form of manipulation - using sexual or emotional arousal to distract the interviewer.
86. Service in the restaurant was abysmally slow. My husband was starting to flip out, so I tried to distract him with small talk.
87. Clark : Look, I'll find some way to distract her and then you sneak out.
88. The first was direct military operations, either by peripheral raids to distract the French army.
89. He also outlined the success of a hand-held computer game specifically designed to distract children and lessen their pain and stress during medical procedures.
90. Identify the subplots and determine how they support the main plot line, or distract from it.
More similar words: abstractattractcontractdistressdistrictcontractorattractionattractivedistributedistributioncharacteristicadministratoradministrativeadministrationtracktraceinteractfractionpracticepracticaltrack downin practicepracticallydistantdisturbdistinctstraininteractionpractitionerdistance
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