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Differentiation in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+1Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: product differentiationdifferentiatedifferentindifferentdifferenceindifferencemake a differencedeferentialMeaning: [‚dɪfərenʃɪ'eɪʃn]  n. 1. a discrimination between things as different and distinct 2. the mathematical process of obtaining the derivative of a function 3. (biology) the structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function. 
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61. Information from the planetary probes indicates that all the terrestrial planets have undergone differentiation, but they have followed different evolutionary paths.
62. Differentiation between remission/mild and moderate disease is mostly a function of stool frequency.
63. There is also growing differentiation between colloquial and literal vocabulary.
64. Of course the above differentiation between book selection and censorship is a simplification.
65. The effects of functional differentiation of policy-making are exacerbated by the relationship between the government and the permanent machinery of the state.
66. Early development is likely to be uneven because of differentiation in initial conditions.
67. Here investment, the use of hired labour, the differentiation between richer and poorer peasants, made minimal progress.
68. An important theme of empirical and theoretical work on contemporary social structure is that of social differentiation, and its spatial aspects.
69. The concept of differentiation is a key theme of our work, and we had best discuss it as the book unfolds.
70. A woman who holds both of these in balance demonstrates the sanctifying power of differentiation.
71. This reduces social and historical circumstances to modifying influences on a cognitive structure predisposed to differentiation and even discrimination.
72. All the forms of training used in the experiments described earlier in this chapter will produce stimulus differentiation.
73. From stocks, the stock trend is very clear differentiation.
74. The spermatid differentiation can be divided into five stages.
75. Of course, the prime does not refer to differentiation.
76. The order of partial differentiation is immaterial.
77. Such differentiation is an response to changing environmental conditions.
78. Eyes: including color differentiation, trachoma, eyesight etc.
79. Primary chemical differentiation accounts for the prepondence of uranium.
80. Fig 2. Differentiation of young shoots from transformed callus.
81. These rules enable anyone to perform orgies of differentiation.
82. These diseases usually show different patterns of involvement of the perilymphatic interstitium which allow their differentiation in most cases.
83. Such as efficiency, courtesy(, and trustworthiness - may play a major role in product differentiation.
84. Differentiation of"tunior shadow"from"mass shad-ow"on CT scan, Axial scan US direct coronal scan and the phenomeron of delayed decompres5ion of optic chiasm were discussed.
85. China's bankrupt system has formed many obstructions against the conversion of assets security in its "actual sale" and in its exertion of the rights of countervail and differentiation.
86. Targeting peroxiredoxin I/II by Adenanthin, a naturally occurring diterpenoid, to induce differentiation and eradicate leukemia-initiating cells of acute promyelocytic leukemia.
87. Acquaint with the etiology , pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Dysmenorrhea.
88. Master the definitions , syndrome differentiation and acupuncture treatment of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis and Elbow Sprain.
89. The differentiation of transfected GLC 82 cells was apparently improved. The array of adenocytes is regular and it appears adenoid structure.
90. The influences were studied of variety, basic medium, hormone combination and slice block of callus on the callus differentiation culture of Anthurium andraeanum.
More similar words: product differentiationdifferentiatedifferentindifferentdifferenceindifferencemake a differencedeferentialinferentialpreferentialdeferentiallysubstantiationdifferdiffer frombeg to differagree to differnegotiationinitiationrenunciationventilationdiffractionidentificationedificationconstitutional conventionmodificationdeviationradiationalleviationvariationpalliation
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