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Celebrated in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+18Posted:2017-05-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: famedfamousfar-famedhistoriedillustriousnotablenotedrenownedstoriedSimilar words: celebratecelebratorycelebrationcelebrityvertebrateacceleratedeceleratecalibratedMeaning: ['selɪbreɪtɪd]  adj. 1. widely known and esteemed 2. having an illustrious past. 
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121. It was the wealth of the new entrepreneurs, not that of their workmen, which was everywhere celebrated.
122. When Peter was made curate in a northern suburb of Bristol, Anna celebrated the event by becoming pregnant.
123. As part of the exhibition, the celebrated publishing house will be showing six films it has produced on the Catalan artist.
124. Jacques Delors's celebrated outburst over the fine levied against Renault was a case in point.
125. The day, commemorating the date Texas slaves first heard about the Emancipation Proclamation, is celebrated by blacks in Texas.
126. Their different ethos was illustrated by the difference in the virtues which they celebrated.
127. His wife received the official notification from the Air Ministry a few days after they had celebrated their first anniversary of their wedding.
128. Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most celebrated artist, died in poverty.
129. Midfield player Mark Proctor celebrated his recall by putting Boro ahead after 15 minutes.
130. Now every place where the Meal of the Lord is celebrated is made holy by this divine presence.
131. The Holy Eucharist and Benediction are celebrated daily(, morning and evening respectively.
132. Even the filet, a cut more celebrated for its tender texture than its rich flavor, is full of beefy flavor.
133. Marriage was a ritual celebrated and strongly supported-by the entire community.
134. Through college and beyond, we decorated the place and celebrated with gusto.
135. In 1809 he celebrated his Jubilee, fifty years on the throne.
136. The origins of Nizan's celebrated cynicism are to be located here.
137. The same schemes are celebrated repeatedly with the government squeezing out every last drop of credit from West Belfast projects.
138. She celebrated his courtroom victories and consoled him when he lost.
139. In May, 1981, Eva celebrated thirty years as a Salvation Army officer.
140. He crossed the road well ahead of the militiamen and rode into the encampment where the wedding was still being celebrated.
141. In the play s celebrated central act they get riotously tipsy as they await the nocturnal arrival of the Gallic Romeo.
142. The Strauss is Franz, father of Richard, and a celebrated horn player of his day.
143. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his celebrated speech before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963.
144. He celebrated the occasion, appropriately enough in Bristol, by helping to polish off Gloucestershire's first innings yesterday morning.
145. Music and sport are areas in which blacks have made the most celebrated and acclaimed contribution.
146. It is argued that cultural discontinuities between homes and schools do exist, are inevitable and are to be celebrated.
147. The former Teesside Polytechnic celebrated its name change by releasing hundreds of balloons into the sky above Middlesbrough.
148. The friar was up just before dawn and celebrated his Mass, Bonaventure and Benedicta being his only congregation.
149. He celebrated by going out hunting, while she was clearly determined to enjoy herself.
150. They all ate and drank, and celebrated the end of the sheep-shearing by singing their favourite songs.
More similar words: celebratecelebratorycelebrationcelebrityvertebrateacceleratedeceleratecalibratedbraceletcerebrationacceleratordecelerationacceleratingaccelerationinebriatedvibratecalibratelucubrateadumbrateelevatedelectoratehydratedserratedsaturatedexonerateddecoratedlaceratedliberateddesecratedintegrated
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