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181, She had to think of an excuse for staying in Walton Street.
182, Now, in his senior year, Jeff feels staying was definitely the right decision.
183, He remembered Woil staying by the bench and the litter bin where the Men could reach him.
184, He gained experience and developed skills in staying calm in the face of abuse, working under pressure and organising his time.
185, Forget all those tales of our taking our position at dawn and staying there hardly daring to move.
186, The planes are returning to the United States, although F-One-Eleven fighter bombers are staying on.
187, To what extent though do student architects actually benefit from staying at university or polytechnic for so long?
188, Would that as many animal lovers were as quick to speak and defend dumb animals instead of staying silent as so many do.
189, The pub is staying open all day during the conference.
190, Hunting still faces an uphill task but, backed by a yield of 7.6 p.c., the shares are worth staying with.
191, But even they would be shocked at the idea of staying up all night dancing or taking drugs.
192, The eventual winner will receive an all expenses paid night out for two in London, staying at a top hotel.
193, For staying power nothing beats a bowl of porridge and, as a bonus, oats are great health value, too.
194, But it is not clear whether Peter Bullock, the chief executive of Neill, will be staying.
195, It was launched last February amid great fanfare and made stops in six cities, staying at least a month in each. Sentencedict.com
196, That's fine too, as long as you bear in mind that moderation is the key to staying healthy.
197, Staying up for a week during final exams is nothing compared to months of interrupted sleep with an infant.
198, Glenn Ferguson - staying put A new era is dawning at Strabane cricket club.
199, Even higher would have been fine with me. Very few pilots were killed by staying away from the ground.
200, Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong. Muhammad Ali
201, And staying awake long enough to get our kids into bed.
202, Anna's family are appalled. meaningful pay-off Andrew hagans was staying at this bail hostel when he murdered Anna McGurk.
203, Households are also staying in temporary accommodation for longer periods(Sentencedict.com), a report to Middlesbrough Council's homeless advisory committee reveals.
204, He did not like the fact that his potential assassins had got so close to the Hotel where he was staying.
205, But the cost of staying at the downscale Hotel Stevens was only $ 4 a night.
206, His is constantly pre-occupied with fitness, strength, and staying in peak condition.
207, He expressed surprise when he learned we were staying there because he thought it was so expensive.
208, Tucholsky once remarked that there were people who thought that staying in an elegant hotel made them elegant themselves.
209, All creatures that live in the plankton have to devise means of staying afloat.
210, However, it has scheduled three extra round trips between Phoenix and Las Vegas on Sunday, to accommodate people staying there.
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