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Smooth-skinned in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-05-13Updated:2024-05-13
Similar words: smoothenedskinneddark-skinnedthin-skinnedlight-skinnedthick-skinnedsmoothsmootherMeaning: adj. having smooth skin. 
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1. She was smooth-skinned and pretty.
2. Go, swift messengers, to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers.
3. Peach skin is downy or fuzzy; smooth-skinned peaches are nectarines .
4. They are soft and smooth-skinned, with a circular or nearly circular Body disk formed by the head and pectoral fins. They are harmless unless touched or stepped on.
5. Despite the difference in their ages, the two women were strikingly alike, with small smooth-skinned faces and high cheekbones.
6. Covered in lush grass, it looked like some great smooth-skinned monster poised to
7. Go, swift messengers, go to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people dreaded near and far, a nation strong and proud, whose land is scoured rivers.
8. Deduce a neoclassicism , cooperate the mesa with plump and smooth-skinned colour and lustre, the Wen Wan that reflects goodwife is temperamental, tell about white dream to us.
9. Thousands of varieties have been developed. Peach skin is downy or fuzzy; smooth-skinned peaches are nectarines. Peaches are widely eaten fresh and are baked in desserts.
10. The Mosasaur was shown to have an armoured crocodile-like body, but in reality it would have been smooth-skinned and streamlined.
11. Their envoy came to us with chests of gold and gems and two hundred slaves, nubile girls and smooth-skinned boys trained in the way of the seven sighs.
12. In 1990, the lab animal center of Medical school of Zhengzhou University obtained 4 mutants of smooth-skinned hairless mice from Kunming experiment mice' reproducing group.
More similar words: smoothenedskinneddark-skinnedthin-skinnedlight-skinnedthick-skinnedsmoothsmoothersmoothysmoothedsmoothensmoothlysmooth outsmoothieunsmoothsmoothingsmooth awaysmooth downunsmoothedsmoothnesssmoothboresmooth oversmooth-facedsmooth musclesmooth thingsskinnerin smooth waterb. f. skinnerexponential smoothingtake the rough with the smooth
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