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Programmable logic control in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-02-25Updated:2024-02-25
Similar words: programmable logicprogrammable logic deviceprogrammable controllerprogrammablereprogrammableprogrammable timerprogrammable computerfuzzy logic controller
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1. The electric control section with the programmable logic control adopted well - known imported meters and control components.
2. It's an attack that goes straight after the PLC (programmable logic control) software of an industrial machine, which is effectively the brain of the unit.
3. This method is the logic design base of programmable logic control system or single-microcomputer control system.
4. We adopt the integrated cartridge valve and programmable logic control system in driving and control. Thus the technical level of production has been raised.
5. Drag onto the page to add a programmable logic control.
6. The principle and technological process of how to change the contactor control on mixed feed production line into programmable logic control (PLC) system are introduced in this article.
7. Integrating the conventional relay control, computer control and communication control technologies, programmable logic control (PLC) is designed specially for industrial control.
8. With a view to using things of numbers of container cranes in home, the PLC( Programmable Logic Control) is the America GE company product(90-30PLC).
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. The control part includes - if necessary - relays, electrical measure- and regulating units as well as the programmable logic control ( PLC ).
10. The beam pumping unit is modified into intelligent pumping unit by adopting variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF), programmable logic control(PLC) and power electronics.
11. Serial communication acts as a main communication method between computer and programmable logic control(PLC) in a supervisory system.
More similar words: programmable logicprogrammable logic deviceprogrammable controllerprogrammablereprogrammableprogrammable timerprogrammable computerfuzzy logic controllerprogram controlcontrol programprogrammable read-only memorylogic programmingprogramming logicprogram logiccontrol logicprogrammaticprogram managerparallel programmingeconomic controlelectronic controlnumeric controltraffic controldynamic controlelectronic controllerelectric controlmagnetic controlautomatic controlair traffic controlparallelogramautomatic controller
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