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Off-day in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2018-01-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: time of daybreak of dayoff-dutyoff dutyday after dayday in and day outfrom day to dayday in day outMeaning: n. a day when things go poorly. 
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1. Monday is always an off-day for me.
2. There's nothing to do because tomorrow is my off-day.
3. Normally, on an off-day after a back-to-back, Jackson might've given the team a day off.
4. Off-Day: Every month off 2 days. Off day is determined by the company.
5. After Monday's off-day, the Yankees will welcome the Arizona Diamondbacks to the Bronx on Tuesday night at 7:05 ET for the opener of a three-game series at Yankee Stadium.
6. This is kind of an off-day for me, this doesn't normally happen.
7. As he says though, Cech will be hoping James has an off-day and we can build on our strong start to the season.
8. Keane said: "It'll be a tough game and we just have to catch Arsenal on an off-day hopefully."
More similar words: time of daybreak of dayoff-dutyoff dutyday after dayday in and day outfrom day to dayday in day outday by dayday-to-daythe day before yesterdayfdacliff dwellingout-of-dateout of dateout of dangerstar of davidextent of damagesword of damoclesdaydaysd-daymaydayv-j dayall-dayday offmay dayany dayall dayby day
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