Similar words: Easier said than done, No sooner said than done, said to contain, get used to, be supposed to, it has been announced that, granted that, provided that.

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1 It used to be said that Britain ruled an empire on which the sun would never set.
2 It used to be said that superior minds discuss ideas, ordinary minds discuss people.
3 It used to be said that any salmon running up the Dee made a one-way journey.
4 It used to be said that there were three great influences on a child: home, school,[] and church.
5 It used to be said that English people take their pleasure sadly.
6 It used to be said that God could create everything, except what was contrary to the laws of logic.
7 It used to be said that English people take their pleasures sadly.
8 It used to be said that women must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good.
9 IT USED to be said that you could not believe anything in China until it had been officially denied.
10 It used to be said that an unhappy customer would tell 3 others about their poor experience; now they tell 3 million (with less effort).
More similar words: Easier said than done, No sooner said than done, said to contain, get used to, be supposed to, it has been announced that, granted that, provided that, he reasoned that, it is noted that, it is alleged that, it is argued that, it is assumed that, it is claimed that, it is rumored that, it is reported that, it is inferred that, it is observed that, it is believed that, it is estimated that, it is suggested that, it is concluded that, it is generally believed that, put paid to, be afraid to, aforesaid, to be sure, used to, nurse's aide, be used to.