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Goodbye in a sentence

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Sentence count:154+10Posted:2017-05-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adieuadiosarrivederciau revoirauf wiedersehenbyebye-byecheeriogood daygood-bygood-byegoodbysayonaraso longSimilar words: good-byegoody-goodygoodgoodsgoodyfor goodgood forgoodlyMeaning: [‚gʊd'baɪ]  n. a farewell remark. 
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91. with all the excitement and confusion, I forgot to say goodbye to her.
92. He lively hopped the train and said goodbye to me.
93. The applicant was so choked with excitement at the acceptance notification that he could hardly bring out a goodbye.
94. You can kiss goodbye to a holiday this year we've no money!
94. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
95. We shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to him.
96. What really hurts is that he never even said goodbye.
97. They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train at Union Station.
98. Well, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of promotion.
99. The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye.
100. I said a hurried goodbye and walked home in the cold.
101. Drew made some remarks to nobody in particular and said goodbye.
102. When the boat reached Cape Town[], we said a temporary goodbye.
103. My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her.
104. We can wave goodbye to the sort of protection that people at work need and deserve.
105. If you're not careful, you can wave goodbye to any pay rise this year.
106. After this letter from the bank, we can kiss goodbye to our holiday in Australia.
107. After dinner they just upped and left/went without saying goodbye.
108. She was so annoyed she wouldn't even wave us goodbye/wave goodbye to us.
109. It was with a heavy heart that Kate said goodbye.
110. Give Grandpa a wave goodbye, Alice, you won't see him till next week.
111. He popped his head round the door to say goodbye.
112. I felt excitement and sadness in equal degree as I waved goodbye to my colleagues.
113. I'd like to say goodbye to Paul who leaves us for pastures new.
114. I made a lightning tour of the office to say goodbye.
115. She knew if she concentrated on her marriage she could kiss her career goodbye.
116. She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye.
117. Well, if you've argued with senior management you can wave goodbye to any chances of promotion!
118. She drove off without saying goodbye.
119. It was difficult to say goodbye, but I took some consolation from the fact that I would see her again at the end of the year.
120. People laughing, people crying, some boarding vessels, others disembarking, and others waving goodbye to their loved ones.
More similar words: good-byegoody-goodygoodgoodsgoodyfor goodgood forgoodlygood daygoodmana good manyas good asbe good atmake goodgoodwillgoodnessgood namea good jobgood luckgood humorgoodnightcommon gooda good dealgood fridaycanned goodspublic goodgood spiritdo a good jobgood mannersgood morning
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