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Gdp in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+1Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. measure of the United States economy adopted in 1991; the total market values of goods and services by produced by workers and capital within the United States borders during a given period (usually 1 year). 
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211. Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate.
212. On February 13th George Bush signed into law individual tax rebates and temporary investment incentives worth $152 billion (just over 1% of GDP) this year, and $168 billion in total.
213. Exports and property were contributing 6-8 percentage points to GDP growth rate per annum in the last cycle and are now contributing a negative amount of similar magnitude.
214. The most common measure of the U.S. economy is the federal government’s report on the gross domestic product (GDP).
215. Mr Swan delivered an underlying cash deficit for 2009-10 of almost A$58 billion ($44 billion), or 4.9% of GDP, one of the largest ever.
216. Well, Koreans still spent 2% of their GDP on tutoring, even with the downtick.
217. Based on the work of unit root test of China's GDP, the acceleration of China's economic growth which is the second difference of GDP, is regarded as a random walk model.
218. The NBS now uses the United Nation's approved System of National Accounts as the basis for calculating GDP.
219. The added value of the industrial sector accounted for 30 percent of Beijing's GDP.
220. Second, China stable and rapid economic growth, 2004 GDP growth of more than 9%. Road-building cement and the infrastructure development will inevitably pull gangue crusher industry's growth.
221. Europe's low birthrate and its muted consumerism mean its contribution to global GDP will tumble to a quarter of its current share within 30 years.
222. Global reserves have risen from $1.3 trillion (5% of world GDP) in 1995 to $8.4 trillion (14%) today.
223. In this paper, the problem of the slot assignment of CDM GDP was studied, and an optimization model based on equitable delay cost assignment was established.
224. GDP in the euro area fell by 0.2% in the second quarter, unrevised from a provisional estimate, leaving it 1.4% higher than a year earlier.
225. GDP is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.
226. Its GDP will quadruple the 2000 volume[], exceeding $ 4 trillion by 2020.
227. Local governments, with total borrowing of 10.7 trillion yuan or 27% of GDP largely via off-balance-sheet entities, are a potential problem for both the financial and fiscal system.
228. In the eyes of a local gov't official, migrant workers provide the cheap labor he needs to grow the GDP figures that will earn him a promotion.
229. It compares apples and oranges: exports are measured as gross revenue while GDP is measured in value-added terms.
230. Presenting the quarterly change in GDP at a seasonally adjusted annual rate is already the basis for official figures in most other countries, including the U.
231. The turnover tax and income tax have a negative correlation with the economic growth in China, a positive correlation with GDP and inhabitant saving.
232. Total investment -- residential, business and public works -- pushed to a sky - high 45 % of GDP.
233. Growth of the economy is a primary indicator of economic health and is measured by the gross domestic product (GDP), or the country's total output of goods and services.
234. Through over ten years' rapid development, the gross product of telecommunication industry has become 4.9% of the GDP in China.
235. They chose several widely-measured and well-studied indices on which to base their index: GDP per capita, life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate and the incidence of tuberculosis.
236. GDP, industry,[] tertiary industry and expenditure centre of gravity move to southeast direction.
237. Academicresearch has shown that the national ACSI score is a strong predictorof Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, and an even stronger predictorof Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) growth.
238. Positive research on Hunan's Economic Fluctuations takes the economic growth rate as the main object. The index used is the GDP growth rate.
239. During the Bush Administration and in the last two years, we have substantially increased government expenditures. Government expenditures as a fraction of GDP are way too high.
240. Eurostat said Greece cut its budget gap to 10.5 percent of GDP from 15.4 percent in 2009. The European Commission and Athens had estimated the deficit at 9.6 percent.
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