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Airway in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+2Posted:2017-08-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: stairwaystairwellfair-weatherchairwomanairy-fairydoorwayforwardboer warMeaning: n. 1. a duct that provides ventilation (as in mines) 2. a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another 3. the passages through which air enters and leaves the body 4. a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers. 
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91, Conclusion Airway obstruct and bronchospasm and pneumochysis are the main reasons that result in high airway pressure.
92, The fundamental diagnostic criterion is good response to bronchodilator. The key methods for making a diagnosis are the measurements of pulmonary ventilation function and airway hyperresponsiveness.
93, Exercise - induced bronchoconstriction ( EIB ) describes airway narrowing association with exercise.
94, Delivery Date" means the B/L date, date of Airway bill or the date of Railway Consignment Note, or date of multimodal transport document."
95, Halothane may therefore lead to more rapid awakening, compared with sevoflurane, should the airway obstruct during an inhalational induction of anesthesia.
96, AIM: To investigate the effects of fluvastatin on the airway remodeling in a guinea pig model of asthma.
97, Conclusions: Fiberoptic intubation is an effective technique in management of the acute difficult airway.
98, Objective:We study the effect of airway resistance on central drive and respiratory muscle function in patients with COPD.
99, Methods On the standpoint of the peculiar anatomic structure and the pathological changes of complex airway stenosis, we designed the inverted Y-shaped self- expandable metal stent.
100, Water in the lungs blocks gas exchange in delicate tissues, while inhaling water also triggers the airway to seal shut - a reflex called a laryngospasm .
101, Breath holding was noted immediately after laryngeal mask airway ( LMA ) insertion .
102, Absorbable biomaterial stent is valuable for diseases needing short-term airway support, avoiding stent extraction, and has entered preparation for preclinical phase.
103, Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by reversible airway obstruction, airway hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation.
104, In addition, CT virtual laryngoscopy revealed the structure of subglottic region and distal portion of strictured airway from feet to head, which were not available in actual laryngoscopy.
105, OSA occurs when the muscles relax during sleep, causing soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and block the upper airway.
106, Maintaining airway open, increasing ventilation and normal cycle, keeping warm and reducing oxygen consumption, close monitoring after recovery.
107, Airway management, antibiotics and judicious surgical incision and drainage are the mainstays of successful therapy.
108, Management of laryngotracheal trauma may be difficult and anxiety provoking because the airway, cervical spine, major hemorrhage and associated traumatic injuries must all be considered.
109, Conclusion mechanism of ping chuan mixture associated with depressing the airway inflammation.
110, In fact, the most common cause of functional nasal airway obstruction is inferior turbinate hypertrophy.
111, Request circumnavigation ( to circumnavigate ) 30 km right of track ( airway ) to avoid the thunderstorm.
112, Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide is shown to correlate with airway inflammation for identifying asthma.
113, Objective To develop a murine model of allergic airway inflammation by using crude Periplaneta americana extract (CAE) as clinical relevant allergen.
114, Conclusion Lung dilated suction could increase the tidal volume decrease airway pressure.
115, Differences in changes of upper airway, mandible and hyoid bone were also analyzed among the doctor experience position,[] final adjusted position and original position.
116, Demonstrate management of patients with upper airway infection suspected of having epiglottitis .
117, Laryngeal Mask Airway and Bougie Intubation Failures: The Combitube as a Secondary Rescue Device for In-Hospital Emergency Airway Management.
118, Exterior PS could relieve spasm of bronchiole smooth muscle and alleviate airway inflammation.
119, And there were not obviously difference between OSAS patients and normal adults in tongue length, anterior to posterior dimension and thickness of retropharyngeal wall tissue of upper airway.
120, The three leading causes of chronic cough in adults are upper airway cough syndrome (UACS, also known as postnasal drip syndrome), asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
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