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Tbt in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2018-09-20Updated:2020-07-24
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1. First, the paper set forth principal mode of fishery trade friction in the developed countries and China and negative action of fishery trade affected by SPS/TBT since China's WTO entry.
2. Therefore, we will continue to add to our treasury short positions through NYSE:TBT, NYSE:TBZ, and NYSE:TBX .
3. Technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) are major non - tariff barriers in the international trade area.
4. Now TBT, replacing the former anti - dumping, has become the - tariff barrier to China's export. "
5. TBT is one of the most prominent non-tariff barriers in current international trade and also a great challenge to China in export trade in recent years.
6. The TBT paint on the wreck was not removed before the wreck was scuttled.
7. TBT is now banned under international agreements and is known to be extremely toxic to molluscs.
8. Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) applies technical regulation, technical standard and accreditation to the trade policy with the effect of deterring import and protecting domestic firms.
8. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
9. And the amount of exports also grows up quickly. But at the same time, we are facing more and more Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) challenges imposed by advanced countries.
10. With the quickening of the economic globalization and process of liberalization of trade, technical barriers to trade (TBT) as the main new trade protective method have been prevailing.
11. This paper proposes the TBT margin mode for the special line of passenger transportation, discusses the TBT margin route diagram, the viability assessment, the existent risk and the risk proof system.
12. That Tributyltin (TBT) used in anti-fouling paint on boats and ships is spreading pollution from Arctic to Antarctic.
13. To see what the levels are in those organisms that are surviving, and in the water adjacent to the TBT anti-fouling paint.
14. Coordinately, the WTO should ameliorate "TBT Agreement" in order to mitigate the malignant effects of TBT on international trade.
15. TBT have strong diffusibility and the development trend of systematism, and those characteristics magnify the harm of illegal TBT.
16. Look at the gains of the UUP and TLT exchange traded funds and the pain inflicted on those holding the TBF or TBT.
17. Meanwhile, it used the economic analysis method of local isostasy to theoretically analyze the economic effect of TBT on Guizhou pharmaceutical imports and exports trades.
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