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Replay in a sentence

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Sentence count:139+4Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: action replayplay backrematchSimilar words: horseplayreplacereplacementirreplaceablereplyrepletereplicaplayMeaning: ['rɪːpleɪ]  n. 1. something (especially a game) that is played again 2. (television) showing again some action (especially sports action) that has been recorded on video tape. v. 1. reproduce (a recording) on a recorder 2. play (a melody) again 3. repeat a game against the same opponent 4. play again. 
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91. I think the session key - authenticator business takes care of the replay problem.
92. If either of the current debt negotiations fails, we could be about to replay 1931, the global banking collapse that made the Great Depression great.
93. It was clear from the instant replay that the player was fouled.
94. These sources could be cameras, video replay apparatus such as video tape recorders or hard disk recorders, broadcast receivers or the like.
95. To replay ( a recently recorded tape, for example ).
96. The modules of aircraft's track receiving and replay system software and how it works are introduced. This software has been applied to one type of pilotless aircraft.
97. In this age of videotape, media coverage, and slow motion instant replay, our attention is drawn to the visible aspects of performance.
98. The main jobs in this paper lie in:1. It has proposed a framework based on Basic Semantic Unit (BSU) for sports video content analysis and has studied slow-motion replay analysis in the framework.
99. Slow electrical waves act as a replay button, causing the hippocampus to reactivate new memories and synchronizing the neocortex so that it accepts them into long-term storage.
100. The replay will take place at Ewood Park on Wednesday, February 28.
101. Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion.
102. The main function of this software is on-line video live, video download and replay, and video program order.
103. Replay events using multiple threads. This option optimizes performance and disables debugging.
104. With the instant replay television viewers often get a second chance to watch the special sports moments.
105. A latency time period between playback and authorization for deletion gives the viewer flexibility to replay parts of the presentation before deletion.
106. The mechanicals returned to the cargo bay and stowed themselves, the actors huddled around the camera to check the replay of the scene.
107. In this paper, the authors use SPI calculus to analyze the demand loading code protocol of active network. The security flaw of being replay attack in this protocol is found.
108. This being nonverbally asks him a question to make him evaluate his life and shows him a panoramic replay of the major events of his life.
109. Ok, how about if we just serve the ball over again and replay the point?
110. So we integrate trace and replay mechanism into traditional debugging technique, in order to eliminate the non-determination and replay the proceeding execution.
111. This is almost a replay of a conversation I had today.
112. Before you run a physical consistency check of a database, you must temporarily suspend all transaction log replay for the storage group that contains the database to be verified.
113. It's clear from the replay that it was a leading question.
114. If you live outside of the UK you will be able to watch the midnight action replay via Arsenal TV Online.
115. Internet or real - time video replay of the hit rate has increased considerably during the working day.
115. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
116. Coaches in American football can challenge calls with video replay.
117. I watched Ktla and reviewed several times and watched the replay.
118. The performance of servo control system determines the reliability and stability of VTR (Video Tape Recorder), and enables ultimately VTRs to record and replay video signal accurately.
119. Referee shall request the Review Jury to review the instant video replay. Review Jury, who is not of the same nationality as the contestants, shall review the video replay.
120. The report also suggests that every shot in professional tennis should perhaps be reviewed by instant replay.
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