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Impotent in a sentence

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Sentence count:72+7Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: potentSimilar words: potentpotentiapotentialomnipotentpotentiallypotencyomnipotenceimpolitenessMeaning: [ɪmpətənt]  adj. 1. lacking power or ability 2. (of a male) unable to copulate. 
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31. Some men feel easily humiliated when they discover they are impotent in middle age.
32. The last DeKalb sheriff set up an anti-drug taskforce, to the impotent fury of the county police.
33. He had been impotent in every sense of the word.
34. To eliminate this, as in double-blind trials,( would in many cases render the therapy impotent.
35. But she can not really fail like a man who is impotent or suffers from premature ejaculation.
36. Most prominent amongst these are terms that mock the miller as an impotent and inadequate cuckold.
37. Impotent old devils and dried-up hags always deride the efforts of the young.
38. A good mind and a warm heart can be made impotent if there is no commitment.
39. The proposed charter ultimately makes the supervisors even more impotent than the current Tucson City Council.
40. For centuries, medicine was impotent and hence unproblematic.
41. We should rid our ranks of all impotent thinking.
42. The sincere if impotent desire wins his blessing.
43. This clown's impotent, suicidal and incredibly stupid.
44. He is impotent to help her.
45. He trembled, unnerved and impotent.
46. Prostatitis, hypertrophy of the prostate, orchitis, premature ejaculation, impotent.
47. What a bumbling, impotent buffoon!
48. In the dreams of the impotent, comes the answer.
49. He is impotent in helping her.
50. The theory, or Greenspan's understanding of it, nevertheless still holds sway as Congress has proved impotent to re-regulate the gambling casino that is Wall Street.
51. Cure advocate people the cure that use zinc is impotent, zinc is right the heal that accelerates human body cut, counteractive disease also has apparent effect.
52. As an alternative to this impotent "realism, " I'd like to propose a clear-eyed idealism, which recognizes that these are bad times but refuses to accept that the bad times are inevitable.
53. The use of Ozawa's impotent carriers as a decoy force was brilliant.
54. Impotent show the penis cannot erect, or erect not firm, send indispose to insert the vagina, cannot make love.
55. Automobile Electronization is an impotent sign of the development of automobile in a country.
56. Usable report excitement treats appearance to stimulate the penis of impotent patient, make its appear reflexible erects, reaffirm ground tells a patient his to function force is normal.
57. Qaidamu basin is one of the most impotent oil and gas bearing basins in China northwestward.
58. He feels despondent and impotent . He intends to quit.
59. Pearl was so obviously suffering , consumed with impotent rage.
60. Red fly see teacher younger brother impotent, and advice to visit three master, master is a rejuvenation, power is endless old holy terror.
More similar words: potentpotentiapotentialomnipotentpotentiallypotencyomnipotenceimpolitenessimpoundmentimpoverishmentimpenitentimportimposeimpoliteimposingimposterimpostorimportuneimportantsuperimposesuperimposedimpolitelyimpossibleimpoverishimportanceimpositionimpossiblyimportantlyimpoverishedunimportant
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