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Honorable in a sentence

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Sentence count:116+2Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: dishonorableSimilar words: adorablefavorableinexorableunfavorableinexorablyparableincurablebearableMeaning: adj. 1. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent 2. worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect 3. used as a title of respect 4. adhering to ethical and moral principles 5. deserving of esteem and respect. 
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61. Can do for yours student I feels infinite honorable, Your unusual patience is responsible, I like this class and grade, All students all are such unfriendliness.
62. A close-up of a blue-eyed moray eel in Indonesia captured an honorable mention in the "Indonesia Residents" category.
63. 9- The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
64. Individual members include honorable members, senior members, members, regular members, student members and foreign members.
65. She was the daughter of Edward John Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and Frances Ruth Burke Roche, Viscountess Althorp (later known as the Honorable Frances Shand Kydd).
66. FA ZHOU : Honorable ancestors, please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.
67. Those who serve well as deacons will win honorable rank, with authority to speak of Christian faith.
68. Meshif is an honorable man, but I fear that he is growing impatient with me about impounding his ship.
69. I wish the honorable district attorney would mind his own business!
70. It took two eventful tours in Vietnam, a handful of medals, a knee full of shrapnel , and an honorable discharge before the unthinkable happened: Bill ran out of wars.
71. Fang Hung - chien wished he could have said, No wonder your honorable work is such a hodgepodge.
72. Dogs receiving honorable mention will be an engraved bronze medallion.
73. "Li was a handsome, honest and honorable young man, " said Yen. He also credited Li with paving the way for advancing the further research on wheat scab disease.
74. An honorable 32 weepie uses none of these 33 ) wheedling 34 ) devices .
75. Should he be styled " Right Honorable " or " Mister "?
76. He is Optimus Prime's executive officer, second in command and has the honorable and rare task of being able to combine with him - redefining the term teamwork.
77. Such laudable and honorable strivings are the only real ways to make profit honestly.
78. Since putting on that green military uniform, he has become an honorable soldier.
79. I am Great Hiawatha. The Iroquoi people are honorable. Deal with us fairly and we shall have peace.
80. The Church is the House of God a sacred and honorable shrine.
81. "The Piaoyi science and technology" is receiving "the quality first and honorable management" enterprise logo, and communally developing with customers.
82. For an honorable Buddhist monk, inference or words are useless here.
83. China does not allow the honorable scholar to the auction room auction, but sold finally.
84. Is it not they who blaspheme the honorable name by which you are called?
85. For my part, I abominate all honorable respectable toils , trials, and tribulations of every kind whatsoever.
86. The function of the marriage broker was ancient and honorable.
87. The only requirements were military service for at least 90 days, and an honorable discharge.
88. If voting is exceptionally close, we occasionally award an honorable mention as well.
88. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
89. The offender is extruded as unworthy of an honorable calling.
90. Ali Baba: Everyone is my honorable guest. Please come in!
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