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Go in in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+22Posted:2017-05-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: come inenterget inget intogo intomove intoSimilar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingMeaning: v. to come or go into. 
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181 Is there anyone, anyone at all, to whom he might go in his hour of need?
182 The petite blonde star refused to go in his car and drove her own vehicle to his central London offices.
183 You walk quickly through, see the kitchen and go in there, pulling down the Venetian blinds.
184 But it remains unclear how far the plan will go in dismantling an entrenched system.
185 You have to be willing to go in there and get your feet wet.
186 Customers would go in and give their five-digit card number to rent videos.
187 It is rather like an empty filing cabinet waiting for the files to go in.
187 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188 I voted for this government because they said they weren't going to go in for that sort of rubbish.
189 And I don't go in for those terrible exercises that some theatrical actors swear by.
190 The company commander was still flying overhead and told us we had to go in one more time.
191 Thus, when awards time arrives, the old inferiority complexes become a factor and decisions often go in vaguely highfalutin directions.
192 Men. come and go in their lives, but there is no necessary connection between motherhood and marriage.
193 He said that unionized or civil-service workers have protection about what can go in their files.
194 New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys.
195 You've established the general direction you want to go in,( now you need to fine-tune your plans.
196 Stephen's been asking around about the best places to go in the evenings.
197 The first crop of experienced lawmakers was eliminated in November and a second crop will go in 2002.
198 Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go inNapoleon Bonaparte 
199 Q I get prickly heat every time I go in the sun.
200 The other two squads had further to go in attacking similar installations around the northern or inner caisson.
201 Now we're going to lock the house and nobody must go in again.
202 Some branches go in for quite lavish posters, some make do with local draughtsmanship.
203 Try not to wake the baby if you go in the bedroom.
204 The plan was to go in relays and not to leave the Jonquil unattended, but there was a muddle.
205 In any case, Ned's a bit peeved so you'd better go in and see him.
206 Paisley stood on a picket line outside the Ballylumford power station in Larne and tried to persuade workers not to go in.
207 Undoubtedly we have further to go in this, and the Institute is engaged in longer-term research into competence-based assessment.
208 I take the view that the charters go in the right direction.
209 Perhaps he could get off the hook by saying he would go in the morning?
210 Now is the time for vice-chancellors to go in hard and exact promises of increased funding.
More similar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingkeep goinggoing concerngo into hidinggoitergoitreegoistegoismjingoismegoisticcooking oiljingoisticdo injoinloincoinpointgroinjointheroinquoinCOINSrejoin
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