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Dizzy in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+17Posted:2017-02-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: confusedgiddyspinningstaggeringunsteadySimilar words: dizzinesspizzadrizzledrizzlyblizzardsubsidizeaggrandizesubsidizedMeaning: ['dɪzɪ]  v. make dizzy or giddy. adj. 1. having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling 2. lacking seriousness; given to frivolity. 
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91. Coiled in on herself, Chesarynth reeled dizzy across her endless night.
92. Flares feature highly in the line up, as do dizzy platform shoes that defy gravity.
93. The rum was making me happy, or else just dizzy.
94. I was prompted to write when a customer sat on checkout ten following a dizzy spell.
95. One Saturday, in September 1995, my pulse races, I get dizzy, and feel faint.
96. Some people suffer quite severe symptoms of feeling dizzy or faint if they go long periods without eating.
97. The next instant, dizzy with the excitement that possessed her, she was hurrying along the corridor towards his office.
98. Climbers make a great mistake, however, in imagining that each of these groups aspires to the dizzy heights of dangling.
99. But it made me sick and dizzy,( so I didn't take it.
100. The music came from next door and when he left the bathroom and turned into the sitting room he felt dizzy.
101. He was so dizzy that he stepped in some horse dung and then fell.
102. I fall to the floor as though dead, twitching with laughter, convulsing with mirth, dizzy with excess.
103. Her heart clenched inside her as she thought of Guido and the dizzy, consuming passions he aroused in her.
104. Scottie loses his footing, falls, grasps a gutter, dangles in space, looks down, gets dizzy.
105. Dizzy with pain, Cassie sank into the cushions of the sofa and sat supporting her injured arm.
106. It seems quite bizarre that people who play other people's records for a living can reach these dizzy heights of stardom.
107. A new gondola cable car will take you to dizzy heights, enabling you to appreciate the mountains in their true splendour.
108. The view from the top in network television can make you dizzy.
109. The dizzy feeling in her head intensified, and she knew she was about to black out.
110. Even under the trees, even in the thick pine shade, the heat was beginning to make me dizzy.
111. She was coming round after her operation, but she still felt dizzy and very sleepy.
112. I felt a bit funny and dizzy, and then the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor.
113. As with all Dizzy games, Crystal Kingdom is jam-packed with perplexing puzzles to solve.
114. She felt dizzy and slid awkwardly to the ground, leaning her head on her hand.
115. Croix, who was dizzy and nauseated when he penciled in the river that bears his name.
116. I had no idea what I was typing and would leave the office each day disorientated and dizzy with the effort.
117. She sat up abruptly, confused and still dizzy from slumber, and a hand reached out to silence her.
118. The dizzy rapidity of changes in the ministry was matched only by the accelerating deficit.
119. By the time she had explained to Pepe what had happened she began to feel dizzy and steadily more nauseous.
120. He saw her and felt - as only once before he had felt - the dizzy vertigo of a fathomless falling-away.
More similar words: dizzinesspizzadrizzledrizzlyblizzardsubsidizeaggrandizesubsidizedjeopardize
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