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Springback in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2024-07-02Updated:2024-07-02
Similar words: spring backbring backspring balancewingbackcoming backpaying backdating backrunning back
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1. The design optimization of springback in sheet metal forming process is to control the final shape of the workpiece.
2. Springback is an inevitable physical phenomenon in the metal sheet elastic and plastic forming.
3. Neural network technology applied to springback prediction of TWBs gives a new way to research optimization of TWBs forming.
4. Springback during unloading affects the dimensional accuracy of sheet metal parts.
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5. In this paper, the stamping and springback processes of a truck beam are simulated by the compositive CAE system of I- DEAS , the enhanced ITAS3D program, optimum grid division program and so on.
6. Friction and springback are key of making process planning and process parameter and die design.
7. The results show that: the springback angle of bent tube increases with the bending angle, the gap between mandrel and tube, and the hardening coefficient, but decreases with the hardenability value.
8. Aiming at springback errors, a closed-loop accuracy control system for complex 3D sheet metal stamping was constructed based on RP/RT/RE.
9. Meanwhile, the springback potential energy principle is applied to calculate the springback deformation of a pure bending of curved beam.
10. Analyzed factors affected springback in beam bending forming, elaborated how to springback compensation in die design process, introduced the die working process.
11. Lastly, a research for springback reason and a compensation for tool surface of underbody cross member panel were performed using JSTAMP.
12. Springback in sheet metal forming is the reverse elastic deformation during the process of unloading process,[] which is a widespread physics phenomenon.
13. Because clastic cushions are used in stretching based on multi-point die, the springback in this process is different from that in traditional solid die stretching process.
14. The simulation gives reasonable fit to the actual product in the two major roll-forming defects, i. e. , edge wave and springback.
15. Ultrahigh -strength steels, however, pose a major challenge in processing because of their limited formability and pronounced springback at room temperature.
16. This method can be more accurate study of material properties, intensity ratio on the impact of TWBs springback and weld line movement.
17. The experiments show that the system can completion the amendment of the mold of the shape effectively and realized the springback compensation to the complex stamping.
18. Springback occurs when sheet undergoes deformation, the accumulated error of forming simulation will make it more difficult to improve theprecision of the springback prediction.
19. Especially, using the Young's modulus changing with plastic deforming can enhance accuracy of springback simulation more.
20. It is shown that increasing the rigidity of cross section can decrease cross section distortion and springback.
21. A new finite element model based on U-bending benchmark of NUMISHEET'93 has been proposed to predict springback with contact evolution between the sheet and dies.
22. In this paper, an artificial neural network is built in the research of springback prediction during the stretch forming process.
23. At present, more commercial CAE software could simulate the course of springback during the sheet metal stamping process, but the simulation precision is still difficult for the numerical simulation.
24. Then, Lagrange arithmetic operator is applied in variation principle of finite deformation resilience to establish a generalized variation principle of springback.
25. The forming characteristics of advanced high strength steel are studied in this paper based on the experimental study and simulation of formability, springback and galling.
26. The accuracy of mechanical properties of sheet described by material model parameters has great influence on the accuracy prediction of springback.
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