Similar words: they. Meaning: [heɪ]
interj.1. (used as an exclamation to call attention or to express pleasure, surprise, bewilderment, etc.) 2. Southern U.S. Informal. hello: used as a greeting..

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181. Jungle gym: Hey! Look at me!
182. Hey! Somebody put their poster on top of ours.
183. Hey, look, Frenchy , I thought about it.
184. Hey, you also have a telex machine here!
185. Hey, there. Are you lost sweety?
186. Oh hey! Have you seen my baby bird?
187. Hey! Gulu! How did you know I was here?
188. Me too. Hey! Isn't that a Citibank up there?
189. Dominique: Hey Marcus. What are you doing?
190. CHANDLER : Hey(, you just wanna about racquetball and hang out here?
191. - [ Sighs ] - [ Marty ] Hey, Brad, you want to hear something funny?
192. Hey, you might end up fabulously rich or even become a huge superstar ( one day ).
193. Churl I'll drop the love - juice in your eyes. Hey !
194. Host: Hey Johnny, a listener called in earlier said you have to ask about the rumors on the internet of you doing the Riddler.
195. Hey,( you forget that I weigh 250 pounds. I need more elbow room than you do.
196. Say it Upside Down: If you're athletically inclined, take your partner to a park and hang upside down from the monkey bars and say "Hey! I love you even when I'm upside down!"
197. Hey you think I'm some greaseball who doesn't know stuff?
198. A pleasant Comedie entituled Hey for Honesty...translated out of Aristophanes his Plutus.
199. He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could, "Hey, ferryman , come here, we want to cross the river."
200. Sure, it rankled that Apple took 30%, but – hey – at least it would bring to an end the parasitic free riding that was endemic on the web.
201. Hey - hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstand.
202. A: Hey , pretty young thing ! How about some kinky lingerie?
203. Hey, President Obama has found a way to quickly close Guantanamo Bay. He's going to turn it into a Pontiac dealership.
204. Hey, say, you'll know this. What's the capital of Sweden?
205. Monica : Okay, so I'm responsible, I'm organised. But hey, I can be a kook.
More similar words: they.