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German-speaking in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2019-12-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: be on speaking termsmanner of speakingin a manner of speakingspeakingpublic speakingfrench-speakingfrankly speakingenglish-speakingMeaning: adj. able to communicate in German. 
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1. The governor of South Tyrol, a German-speaking province ceded to Italy after the First World War, said that it was unreasonable to expect his people to celebrate their subjugation to an alien culture.
2. In Switzerland , no matter in German-speaking areas, French –speaking ares and italian-speaking areas , people all say "Enjoy the food "before dinner.
3. But in German-speaking areas of Switzerland, adoption of Facebook lagged.
4. Mueller's parents were members of the German-speaking minority in Romania and father served in the Waffen SS during World War II.
5. Note that the German-speaking Swiss also speak their own variant of German, which sounds very strange if you've only been exposed to standard "hoch-Deutsch".
6. Fortunately, while travelling for nearly three weeks through German-speaking countries, I had set myself the task of learning six words a day.
7. Then during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 the German-speaking Mennonites were suspect as enemies, and ruthless pillaging devastated the villages.
8. The family settled in the German-speaking part of the Texas hill country.
9. Mueller was born in a German-speaking region of Romania and fled the country two years before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
10. Mueller's family came from a German-speaking minority in Romania, and her father was in the German SS during World War Two.
11. Note that there is a big cultural divide between French-speaking Swiss, and the German-speaking Swiss.
12. On the ideological and artistic transition of Fengzhi the poet R. M. Rilke, a German-speaking poet, exerted a decisive influence.
13. Do you know Ticino? Ticino is a secret of residents , who live in the German-speaking areas.
14. It was held in Vienna because this city is the doorway to the East and, in this German-speaking country[], all the conference signs are in English and Russian.
15. How can I seem fair if it is permissible to me for my two German-speaking analysts to converse in German?
16. Compared to the first class and luxury hotel projects this segment is still rather small in the German-speaking countries.
17. Mueller was born on August 17, 1953 in western Romania to parents of the German-speaking minority.
18. Her works include "Niederungen" and "Oppressive Tango, " which depicted life in a small German-speaking village in Romania.
19. Two centuries ago there were dozens of independent states in German-speaking Europe. Today there are only four: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
20. Wermke's team recorded the cries of 60 healthy newborns, 30 born into French-speaking families and 30 born into German-speaking families, when they were three to five days old.
20. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
21. This signature also engages the French community, Flemish community and German-speaking community, the Waloon region, the Flemish region and the Brussels-capital region.
22. Ticino is a secret of residents , who live in the German-speaking areas.
23. In what is now Germany, they aimed to unify the German-speaking peoples into a single state.
More similar words: be on speaking termsmanner of speakingin a manner of speakingspeakingpublic speakingfrench-speakingfrankly speakingenglish-speakingbriefly speakingproperly speakingroughly speakingbroadly speakinggenerally speakingstrictly speakingcomparatively speakingpeakingspeak in tonguesgerman shepherdpapermakinggerman shepherd dogspeak ill ofunspeakableunspeakablypanspermiaspearmangermanyGermangermanegermanicleaking
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