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Spiked in a sentence

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Sentence count:103+2Posted:2017-07-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: spikespikeletpiketurnpikepikestaffspikydislikedfeel like doingMeaning: [spaɪk]  adj. 1. equipped with long sharp-pointed projections especially along the top of a wall or fence 2. having a long sharp point. 
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(31) Remembering my hunch that my drink was spiked leaves me confused. Without proof I should really lay the idea to rest.
(32) A roll of paper is pulled through the mechanism by a spiked roller.
(33) Lassen on the distant horizon, and with the spiked rim of Castle Crags below to the nearby south.
(34) Set off the look with a pair of high spiked heels.
(35) I glimpsed the spiked heads of decapitated traitors, their shredded necks, gaping mouths and straggly hair.
(36) Spiked cages surround baroque colonial villas; apartment doors are reinforced and guarded at gunpoint.
(37) Endless bowls of hot tortilla chips are accompanied by a fresh salsa spiked with just the right amount of cilantro.
(38) Even the spikes on the quirky Spiked Dog Collar the firm makes are air valves cut from punctured tubes.
(39) Detectives believe Rachel's drink was spiked with half a tablet of the designer drug at a private party.
(40) It was Karen Silkwood who had spiked her own urine samples.
(41) I discovered later that it was only the orange squash that had been spiked with gin.
(42) William Floyd, after a run to nowhere(, spiked the ball a mile high.
(43) Shots spiked the air and night plunged down on them as Ember shot the lights out.
(44) The windows are guarded with iron bars, those on the lower floors viciously spiked to keep out thieves.
(45) The gas tax rollback, initiated because gasoline prices spiked this spring, has since fallen by the wayside.
(46) She did not know that it had been spiked with tranquillisers until she woke up some time later.
(47) The spiked pad ripped through the Daughter's blouse, and grated on the armoured contour-girdle underneath.
(48) At that time, diesel prices in California spiked briefly, but settled back down by the end of that year.
(49) New telephone line orders have spiked in the last two years.
(50) This laser provided an early impetus for studies of instabilities by tending to produce noisy, spiked output even under quasi-steady excitation.
(50) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(51) And when I hummed old tunes that soothed my baby sister something in them spiked your grief to howling.
(52) Forward, her Neanderthal brow juts out, spiked with lights and cameras.
(53) The sphere was finely stippled, pocked here and there with hatches or spiked with communication towers.
(54) The scaly skin of reptiles is ideally suited for development into sharply spiked armour.
(55) James Harper, defending, said Colling believed his drinks had been spiked with a narcotic substance which caused his violent behaviour.
(56) It was cooler and grey, and a brisk sou'wester spiked with a salty drizzle met us at the crag.
(57) The dead landscape that results is spiked with the seared remains of healthy young plants killed off in their prime.
(58) Ann's boyfriend hits Tommy around the head with a bamboo cane spiked with nails.
(59) The high-protein content of the diet also spiked the dieters' cholesterol levels to all-new highs.
(60) There is even a Spiked Paduka used for masochism.
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