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Present-day in a sentence

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Sentence count:105+1Posted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: presentpresentimentrepresentpresentlypresentedat presentpresenteromnipresentMeaning: [‚preznt‚deɪ]  adj. belonging to the present time. 
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31. It is perhaps that long-term perspective which is at the root of present-day concern over the nuclear arsenal held by the superpowers.
32. The Army was the first service to occupy the land at present-day Miramar and called it Camp Kearny.
33. Indeed, this person's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director.
34. It is a tangle of historic forces, compounded by present-day fear and pride and vexed by world ideological powers.
35. In looking at the present-day prison system, I shall draw on all these published sources.
36. Yesterday's public enemies and villains have a habit of becoming present-day cult figures.
37. The present-day breeding habits of some birds give us a reasonably good idea of how polyandry evolved.
38. However, at the time I started the research that led to this book, the present-day literature was skimpy indeed.
39. For the present-day old age pensioners, however, the problem of financial insecurity remains.
40. The pronunciations given for these components, and for the characters of which they form part, are those of present-day Mandarin.
41. A superficial reading of this passage might suggest little practical relevance for present-day dealings in employment situations.
42. The time has come to start using these concepts and arguments in relation to present-day urban sociology.
43. Present-day sporting heroes tend to spend their off-duty moments sounding off about anything and everything.
44. Watkins found crossroads falling on leys with amazing frequency[], even though the present-day roads were not aligned on the leys.
45. Yes, Harbaugh passes, as present-day quarterbacks are supposed to do, but he also runs, and sometimes on purpose.
46. The differences among these dialects, which mainly involved pronunciation, were similar to differences among dialects in the present-day United States.
47. Some of the village children took the trouble not long ago to collect the present-day names of the animals on the farms.
48. An ancient city of Mesopotamia in the Euphrates River valley of present-day central Iraq. Its extensive ruins have yielded valuable archaeological evidence about Sumerian culture.
49. The director transposes Shakespeare's play from 16th century Venice to present-day England.
50. They are among the few pre-Columbian settlements in the Amazon where archaeological evidence can be linked directly to present-day customs.
51. From the last group came the present-day Theater Guild and the Little theater movement in the USa.
52. The ancient traveler leaving China along this road would pass through Dunhuang before braving the many hazards of the journey westwards through East Turkestan (present-day Xinjiang).
53. At the southwest corner of the present-day Scablands, the flood water pooled, forming another large lake before it drained into the Columbia Gorge and then into the sea.
54. About 100 million years from now the present-day Mid-Atlantic Ridge will be subducted and the continents will come closer together.
55. The present-day large scale production processes of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts.
56. Native American people formerly located on the lower Mississippi River near present-day Natchez. The Natchez ceased to exist as a people after war with the French in the early 8th century.
57. A boy sits in the court of Tillia-Kari mosque in Samarkand, present-day Uzbekistan, ca. 1910.
58. According to our present-day ideas, in addition to practical value, there is a warm and long-term Insurance for marriage moral to thermo.
59. In the past, a bookkeeper kept the books of accounts for an organization; the present-day accountants' job developed from the bookkeepers ' job.
60. This is the lesson which the wrestler - and we present-day followers of the Buddha's Truth - can valuably learn and take to heart.
More similar words: presentpresentimentrepresentpresentlypresentedat presentpresenteromnipresentfor the presentpresentationrepresentativerepresentationmisrepresentationhouse of representativespresenceresentmentresentproportional representationomnipresenceresentfulin the presence ofpreservepreservedpreservingpreservationprescientpresidentprescientlypresidentialreserve requirement
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