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Obsessive in a sentence

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Sentence count:93+3Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: obsessionobsessobsessedrecessiveexcessiveoppressiveaggressiveregressiveMeaning: [əb'sesɪv]  n. a person who has obsessions. adj. characterized by or constituting an obsession. 
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(61) These 2-D lovers, as they are called, are a subset of otaku culture— the obsessive fandom that has surrounded anime, manga and video games in Japan in the last decade.
(62) Objective To compare the efficacy and side effects of fluoxetine with clomipramine in treating 60 refractory obsessive - compulsive patients.
(63) You can host it yourself if you're paranoid, obsessive, or a control freak ("just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not after you").
(64) The obsessive behavior may be channeled into positive activities in mentally healthy prisoners, but people with mental illness can become obsessed with negative actions, such as self-mutilation.
(65) Obsessive neurosis is one of three kinds of neurosis, which are obsessive neurosis, hysteria and phobic neurosis, of Freud's study.
(66) Personality disorders by apersasive compasave disorders, like obsessive compulsive disorder , came next.
(67) She ought to know, because hers is the big one: “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, ” a diabolically well-packaged, highly readable screed ostensibly about the art of obsessive parenting.
(68) Menzies, a former Royal Navy submarine commander, is a soft-spoken and diminutive presence, not at all the obsessive eccentric he's been painted in the press.
(69) I can't lose myself in this obsessive - compulsive irrational behavior.
(70) You were suffering from a period of obsessive depression after losing your job.
(71) How did I miss that?" in a sense, the robot dog is the logical end-game of the obsessive dog breeding of the last five centuries."
(72) The gag was that each pair were opposites: a fat, lazy, chain - smoking slob would swap with a fastidious, svelte, house-proud obsessive.
(73) Love is an obsessive delusion that is cured by marriage.
(74) Objective: To compare the efficacy and side effect of Paroxetine versus Clomipramine in treatment of obsessive compulsive neurosis.
(75) Personality disorder disorders, like obsessive compulsive disorder , came next.
(76) Neurostimulators are already approved to treat conditions such as Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and dystonia, as well as obsessive compulsive disorder.
(77) Such openness is in stark contrast to the almost obsessive secretiveness that Beijing has displayed in the past when dealing with crises.
(78) Abuse experts also decry the argument that a man's obsessive love can drive himall control.
(79) For sheer obsessive collecting, few bowerbirds match the great bowerbird of the open woodlands of northern Australia.
(80) The French seemed to rediscover an obsessive interest in politics.
(81) Alcoholism is a disease that really obsessive people often get.
(82) The magazine's tony mix of intellect and bohemian chic was the perfect home for Gladwell's innate quirkiness. His obsessive theorizing was no longer weird.
(83) Contents: obsessive - compulsive disorder counseling, psychological counseling social phobia, anxiety and depression, psychological counseling and psychotherapy.
(84) And that obsessive nature of yours, that's a big secret.
(85) The security surrounding an American President - always obsessive is overwhelming when he's abroad.
(86) Objective To explore the relationship between symptoms psychopathology of depression with obsessive symptoms.
(87) "You're worrying about your obsessive degree of self-criticism again," whines Me. "How pathetically solipsistic."
(88) The casualties caused by the mental disorders such as phobia, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, neurasthenic and depression have aroused highly attention about the mental disorders.
(89) Later, when word of Magnani's story got out, doctors said that what he had was probably "temporal lobe epilepsy," which is known to sometimes create an obsessive personality in sufferers.
(90) Obsessive rituals, like only drinking out of a certain cup.
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