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Late in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+54Posted:2016-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: behindslowtardyAntonym: earlySimilar words: platelaterrelatelatelyisolateviolaterelatedpercolateMeaning: [leɪt]  adj. 1. being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time 2. after the expected or usual time; delayed 3. of the immediate past or just previous to the present time 4. having died recently 5. of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages 6. at or toward an end or late period or stage of development 7. (used especially of persons) of the immediate past. adv. 1. later than usual or than expected 2. to an advanced time 3. at an advanced age or stage 4. in the recent past. 
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121. Let me explain why I was late.
122. Late again! What's your excuse this time?
123. By the late eighties their number had grown fourfold.
124. I was just a little late.
125. Hurry up or we'll be late.
126. The train is likely to be late.
127. Don't dawdle - we're late already!
128. We're going to be late for the movie.
129. It was his fault that we were late.
130. We sometimes sleep late at the weekends .
131. We are late because there was heavy traffic.
132. I might be a few minutes late.
133. The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late.
134. The concert was cancelled at a very late stage.
135. It is never too late to fall in love.
136. I heard her warning shout too late.
137. There's no need to take that tone with me-it's not my fault we're late.
138. Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s.
139. Every time John is late getting home he trumps up some new excuse.
140. Sorry I'm late,( ) I didn't count on being held up in the traffic.
141. I got a puncture on the way and arrived late.
142. Hurry up, you're late for your call.You've been knocked on!
143. We've fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings.
144. We stayed up late to see the film on television.
145. It's late in the day to think of a change of plan when we've already ordered the materials.
146. Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show.
147. She is always punctual, but her friend is always late.
148. The avalanche struck the ski resort in the late afternoon.
149. It was thoughtless not to phone and say you'd be late.
150. You should rectify your error before it is too late.
More similar words: platelaterrelatelatelyisolateviolaterelatedpercolateregulateisolatedinsulatedtranslatechocolatestimulatespeculatecalculatearticulatemanipulatecontemplatesooner or laterflatLatinlatterplatformrelativepalatialall at oncerelationregulatorisolation
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