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Translate in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+15 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: interpretSimilar words: translationtransittransmittransfertransformtransporttransienttransitionMeaning: [træns'leɪt]  v. 1. restate (words) from one language into another language 2. change from one form or medium into another 3. make sense of a language 4. bring to a certain spiritual state 5. change the position of (figures or bodies) in space without rotation 6. be equivalent in effect 7. be translatable, or be translatable in a certain way 8. subject to movement in which every part of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point on the body 9. express, as in simple and less technical language 10. determine the amino-acid sequence of a protein during its synthesis by using information on the messenger RNA. 
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1. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate.
2. We were asked to translate a list of sentences.
3. Translate the text from Italian into English.
4. Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
5. I can read Spanish but can't translate into it.
6. Can you translate this German letter for me?
7. He doesn't understand Greek, so I offered to translate.
8. Diligence is your life password, can translate your grand epic poem.
9. How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.
10. I don't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me.
11. Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English?
12. Would you please translate this letter for me?
13. Can you translate this letter from German into English?
14. Can you translate this passage into German?
15. So how does this theory translate into practical policy?
16. Please translate this article from Chinese into English.
17. These poems don't translate easily.
18. I don't speak Italian?can you translate for me?
19. It's often difficult to translate poems.
20. Can you translate this article for me?
21. She extracted passages for the students to translate.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. This word is difficult to translate.
23. Can you translate from French into English?
24. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate.
25. My friend will translate for me.
26. Most poetry does not translate well.
27. I translate his silence as a protest.
28. Take your weaknesses and translate them into positives.
29. Jokes often don't translate well into print.
30. We should translate the schemes into actions.
More similar words: translationtransittransmittransfertransformtransporttransienttransitiontransactiontransmissiontransformationtransportationactive transportlegislatorlegislationlegislativelegislatureentrancelateplatelaterlatelyrelateviolateisolaterelatedpercolateisolatedregulatecalculate
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