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Immensely in a sentence

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Sentence count:193+9Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: vastlySimilar words: immenseimmediatelysenselesscommensalismcommensuratenonsensecommencementdimmerMeaning: adv. to an exceedingly great extent or degree. 
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31 Inside, the lads were all enjoying themselves immensely.
32 The Savoyards also made Turin an immensely powerful fortress.
33 Ravi-no stood looking, his squat body immensely still.
34 Silverstein was immensely proud of the class.
35 I enjoyed this movie immensely.
36 Gorfang is an immensely strong Orc.
37 Other disciplines proved to be immensely difficult.
38 I was immensely proud of her.
39 It is immensely difficult to identify these smaller lights.
40 We looked forward immensely to these visits.
41 After all, he was an immensely wealthy man.
42 A press baron is an immensely powerful figure.
43 Counseling has helped their relationship immensely.
43 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
44 They were highly acclaimed and immensely popular.
45 Banks is an immensely amiable, bearded ex-beatnik who feels that he is at last putting his past behind him.
46 Certainly Mama was immensely gratified by the renewed attention that was being paid to him.
47 So I resolved to remain alive in an unofficial capacity, which of course annoys them all immensely.
48 Their fortunes too sprang from the fact that they were immensely popular.
49 But there still remained immensely powerful ministers who led the fight for increased public investment and spending measures to cut unemployment.
50 Gardens in the care of the National Trust are immensely rich in garden statuary of all kinds.
51 At other times her minimalist approach seems vaguely stilted, and even her immensely watchable face can't carry the day.
52 That had been the hard part, immensely hard, getting the permission.
53 We also had with us an immensely heavy steel strongbox which contained enormous quantities of devalued lire.
54 The financial markets are themselves an immensely powerful influence which we can never afford to ignore.
55 Andrew sat close to her, immensely sad and trusting, as though she was his refuge.
56 She had three children from her second marriage and immensely enjoyed their upbringing - dovetailing motherhood with a career working from home.
57 And he lacked the equipment with which to untangle an immensely complex jealousy.
58 They were also amazingly healthy, immensely potent sexually, and unusually long-lived.
59 It can scarcely be imagined that he would have opposed the Philadelphia Museum's immensely well-conceived plan.
60 Possibly because of its immensely larger bulk, antarctic ice has changed far less during the same period.
More similar words: immenseimmediatelysenselesscommensalismcommensuratenonsensecommencementdimmersimmerglimmerimmersetrimmedimmersedimmediateimmeasurablecounseltensedensesensewiselycenserincenseoffensecounselorunselfishcloselylooselyfalselyexpenseincensed
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