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Greens in a sentence

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Sentence count:219+1Posted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: greengreenhousesmithereensgreen revolutionthe greenhouse effectscreenteensagreeMeaning: [grɪːn]  n. any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables. 
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121) The Greens fielded 260 candidates in 2000 and won 81 races, mostly local.
122) Billy's bright ashes were almost subsumed into the dull greens and the grey.
123) Little cameos come to mind: The glorious greens of the rolling countryside in the slanting rays of the evening sun.
124) Salads with mixed greens and top quality olive oil or walnut oil can also be greatly enhanced by confit.
125) Add collard greens, cover, lower heat and simmer 30 to 35 minutes.
126) I think people try to read too much into the greens.
127) And the horseradish potato puree, braised greens, Maytag blue cheese and port wine sauce are also praiseworthy.
128) By May the soft greens of spring darken and the freshness of the garden gives way to headier scents and fragrances.
129) The members say their beautifully contoured greens are the best in Norfolk.
130) Spring greens are at their best and quality primo cabbage is the best green buy this week.
131) I obtained bluey greens by intermixing ultramarine with azure blue and/or Lascaux green.
132) Vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, cheeses, meats,[] even fruits have found their way between freshly made pasta wrappers.
133) In his comments about the new brochure, he mentioned something about the greens and the blues.
134) Cruciferae: broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, radishes, and so on.
135) So, we concatenate some blues/greens to the color vector.
136) The Greens stand treat to have dinner.
137) Mix all ingredients well and pour over salad greens.
138) Drizzle with dressing and serve over fresh salad greens.
139) Waiter: Mixed Greens or Caesar Salad?
140) Southerners in the U.S. prefer collard greens.
141) Two greens again,( ask your caddy for yardage.
142) Mr Reinfeldt's first ploy was to woo the Greens.
143) There were blues, reds, greens, and whites all jumbled together: a very good stained-glass window with the tropical sun staring straight through it at midday might have something the same effect.
144) Washed and bagged greens can be a time-saver, but they can cost three times as much as buying the same amount of a head of lettuce.
145) However, other practices such as brushing and verticutting are recommended instead to increase speed of greens.
146) I also mention the unrealistic coloured lighting with greens appearing from nowhere.
147) This form of vitamin A is found in leafy vegetables such as salad bitters , spinach, kale, swiss chard or other greens.
148) According to Wiccan rituals, placing holly or other greens in the shape of a circle or wreath accentuated its magical power.
149) We always eat mustard greens at this time of year to symbolize a long life.
150) With such a wide array of toppings and salad greens available, it can be different every time.
More similar words: greengreenhousesmithereensgreen revolutionthe greenhouse effectscreenteensagreeGreekgreetgreedscreeningdegreegreedygreeceagreedscreenplayagree toagree onsmokescreengreetingdisagreeagreementagree withagreeablefree enterprisedisagreementdisagreeableagree to differseen
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