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Fairlead in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2019-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fairlyairlesshairlessair letterunfairlysinclair lewischeerleadleaderlessMeaning: n. a pulley-block used to guide a rope forming part of a ship's rigging to avoid chafing. 
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1. Use fairlead on port quarter.
2. Use fairlead on port bow.
3. Use fairlead on starboard bow.
4. Use fairlead on starboard quarter.
5. The device provided by the invention meets multi-layer safe winding of heavy-load reel, and is a high-efficiency interference-preventing multi-layer winding reel fairlead device.
6. Therefore, there is no possibility of the Hongkong side to be responsible for the incident and we suggest that the cable drum and the cable fairlead should be inspected to find out the true reason.
7. A method for the dynamics analysis is put forward, which combined the finite element method and the design wave theory including the effect of the motion of the moored structure at the fairlead point.
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