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Endeavor in a sentence

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Sentence count:115+3Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: attempteffortlaborstrivestruggletryAntonym: neglectSimilar words: endeavourmove heaven and earthfavorsavorflavorfavoredfavoritefavorableMeaning: [ɪn'devə]  n. 1. a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness) 2. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something. v. attempt by employing effort. 
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91. AMC is making every endeavor to be the leading automation engineering system company in China.
92. After more than 10 year′s endeavor, China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive .
93. The spirit of constructive positivism and active endeavor is one of the principles stressed by Sunnah.
94. Liberal education is the necessary endeavor to found an aristocracy within democratic mass society.
95. It would be ill advised or even misanthropic for a society to not endeavor to share technology within all levels of the community.
96. In the future, I will make endeavor on more memorisation , reading and learning.
97. But make no mistake: This cannot solely be America's endeavor.
98. President Gerald R. Ford urged Americans to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history."
99. I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and esprit de corps of the Rangers.
100. On a basis of the analysis and retrospection of the heritage over a thousand years and by appreciating their traditional connotation, we endeavor to find the joint of traditional and modern arts.
101. It began with the Pacific rat arriving from Polynesia nearly 1000 years ago and escalated six hundred years later when the Norway rat jumped ship from Captain Cook's Endeavor.
102. Selling off their businesses as well as the family's farm(, the couple started their endeavor with Craig leaving first to begin replanking the hull of a ketch in the Caribbean.
103. This sensitivity to feel should suffuse the whole endeavor, from the foundational user experience work to the final UI.
104. After more than 10 year′s endeavor, China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive exploitation rights.
105. You may have back - pedal to find ways to make a present endeavor more compelling and marketable.
106. Endeavor and Xience both use drugs that are chemical relatives of the immune-system suppressant used on Cypher.
107. The flight history of the satellite to achive earth reacquisition following temporary failure after 75 days' endeavor is also presented briefly.
108. Great strides beyond the general rate of development of the ladder to the new Endeavor.
109. Endeavor , as much as you can, to keep company with people above you.
110. The western philosophy had got a linguistics turn in the 20th century through the endeavor of Bertrand Russell, Friedrich Frege and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
111. The Chinese government, especially the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region, would endeavor to develop cooperation with Kirghizia in various fields such as economy and trade, etc.
112. The name chosen was Endeavor after the first ship commanded by James Cook.
113. It is unpleasant to be in pain, but if we endeavor to overcome all the difficulties and achieve the goal we aspire after, we will be filled with joy.
114. There are odes to human reason and learning and endeavor in the wisdom book of Proverbs.
115. The dictionary definition, dry and prosaic, is "occupation, work, trade, commerce; serious, rightful, proper endeavor."
More similar words: endeavourmove heaven and earthfavorsavorflavorfavoredfavoritefavorableindependentindependenceunfavorablebe independent ofdeclaration of independenceendedgendersendertenderfenderrenderslenderoffenderoffendedtenderlydefendertendencyvendettaextendedengenderdependentdescended
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