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Darts in a sentence

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Sentence count:101+2Posted:2017-06-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: partsdartfits and startsheartstringsprivate partsby fits and startsinterchangeable partsmartial artMeaning: [dɑːt]  n. a game in which small pointed missiles are thrown at a dartboard. 
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61. Old Jack had declined to take his darts and sat sullenly in his wheelchair.
62. And for me, there was a brand new Diana air-rifle with a packet of darts.
63. Thorns pricked his hands, and his back felt as if it were being peppered by poison darts.
64. The old man looked meditatively at the darts board.
65. Darts may lie at any angle to the body.
66. There's also bocce, lawn darts, horseshoes, Frisbee, and catch.
67. His darts trophy takes pride of place on mantelpiece.
68. And thereon spend thy many brittle darts.
69. And he spent seven years in the construction of wonderful ships to sail through the air, and had darts cast from the hardest steel to break the walls of heaven with.
70. The cull of up to 500 animals using tranquillizer darts followed by lethal injection would begin within two weeks, military spokesman Brigadier Andrew Nikolic said.
71. Commonly associated with gambling are horse racing, boxing, numerous playing-card and dice games, cockfighting, jai alai , and recreational billiards and darts.
72. Objective: to transfer the neck and waist darts into a curved dart at armhole.
73. Decide the direction in the which the darts will be folded.
74. Then he pulls free and rushes after the mouse[], who turns and darts into a mousehole in the baseboard.
75. Figure 14 - 15 shows both darts rested at center front.
76. All darts, whether they are shaped or straight, consist of two sides.
77. Darts should be pressed flat then pressed to ward the center.
78. The basic darts are triangular, curved, double - pointed and the dart tuck.
79. In the operation, darts shouldn't get to the bust point , or it will cause unfitness problem.
80. Fuse the shoulder piece to the interfacing; then stitch the darts.
81. The latter is an ancient hand weapon that Aztec hunters also used to hurl darts.
82. M.'His accomplishment for the year was being the local darts champ.
83. Figure 14 - 11 shows both front darts combined at the waist.
84. The satirical magazine Spy threw darts at all the puffery of the era, and was especially fast to disdain the gaudy arrivistes in favor of dandruff- flecked Old Money.
84. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
85. Display a large poster of Santa Claus with a black slash through it, or hang a dartboard with a photo of good ole St. Nick with several strategically placed darts.
86. In practice darts are not sewn completely to the bust point , as this is considered unflattering.
87. Figure 3.4 . Darts on a dartboard demonstrate the difference between precision and accuracy.
88. In golf, darts or snooker you have time to think, but football is a game of constant action during which you make instant, instinctive decisions.
89. ARACHNID electronic darts machine (coin operated or free play) with manual and it has LCD display, scoring automatically and over 100 different games.
90. The magnetic winding can be set inside or behind target board; and also can be wrap ped on separated target block directly to form a fixed darts target.
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