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Communications in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: telecommunicationscommunicationtelecommunicationcommunicativecommunicateexcommunicatecommunicate withintercommunicateMeaning: [kə‚mjuːnɪ'keɪʃn]  n. the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television etc.). 
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91. The board approved doctorate degrees in communications and experimental psychology at North Dakota State University.
92. The impact, occurring shortly before midnight local time, apparently knocked out all communications before warning could be given.
93. After it finished all the clarifying, State Street immediately had a chance to put its new communications focus to work.
94. Poor communications Lack of understanding often arises through failure to communicate accurately and fully describe the state of the process.
95. It is certainly not a substitute for good old-fashioned interviewing or communications skills.
96. The importance of effective nurse-patient communications can not be overemphasised.
97. Tanks and small army units moved into position in front of key government and communications buildings in Algiers and other towns.
98. Mr Etyang was speaking to journalists and broadcasters following a service held on 5 August to mark Communications Day.
99. This traffic also permitted the firm to act as a channel of communications between the two governments in wartime.
100. Newly formed governments seek deliberately to reverse their predecessors' communications policies.
101. The result was an electronic communications run on the Capitol.
102. Executive salaries in financial services and the communications industry were 18 percent above average.
103. That structure stresses open communications and collaboration, and it humanizes the organization by eliminating the number and pictorial importance of levels.
104. The Celestri global broadband communications network is expected to be operational by the year 2003.
105. This broadly relates to communications between lawyer and client either in relation to the giving of legal advice or in contemplation of legal proceedings.
106. The last 20 years have seen enormous advances in communications technology.
107. What averted catastrophe was the introduction of widespread electronic communications, especially for education and entertainment.
108. At the heart of any work in modern communications must be the use of the best and quickest communication systems.
109. This is done through exercises such as the study of a communications network,[] and case studies.
110. Money center banks, telephone and drug issues gained, while communications equipment, beverage and electrical equipment shares sank.
111. But it also poses problems and dilemmas which occur in communications policy more widely.
112. Following requests from the bomber, police placed ads in the Daily Telegraph newspaper trying, unsuccessfully, to open communications.
113. Countless advanced communications projects have fallen behind schedule after being heavily promoted.
114. Opinion polls and focus groups are Stone Age implements in the brave new world of interactivity just down the communications superhighway.
115. John Buckley, once a Kemp press secretary, is director of communications for the Dole campaign.
116. Globalization does bring the death of distance, through the consolidation of markets and the use of modern communications and transportation.
117. By managing the directory, VeriSign has data it can use to market wireless communications and other services.
118. Then they would be triggered and Bremen would suffer a massive communications blackout.
119. None of these nations attempts major efforts across all of the electronic and communications fields.
120. Communications are short and publication is rapid, providing information on new avenues of research in the shortest possible time.
More similar words: telecommunicationscommunicationtelecommunicationcommunicativecommunicateexcommunicatecommunicate withintercommunicateincommunicadofornicationunificationreunificationammunitionmunitionscommunitycommunismcommunist partycommunity servicecommunist economyeuropean communityratificationgratificationcommunist manifestostratificationunited nationsself-gratificationabdicationmedicationdedicationindication
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