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Object-oriented programming in a sentence

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Sentence count:43Posted:2018-06-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: structured programmingprogrammingreprogrammingmultiprogrammingcomputer programmingprogramming languageconscientious objectorobjector
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1. Apple offered the first pretty complete version of an object-oriented program.
2. Application of object-oriented programming languages to database and expert system design and development for real-time engineering applications.
3. That feature makes it possible to develop an object-oriented program that has learning capabilities.
4. Interfacing of object-oriented programming languages to databases and expert systems.
5. Object-oriented programming received 16%, up from 14% in the autumn, but wireless communications fell two points to 12%.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. Most method calls in object-oriented programming languages are synchronous.
7. Cox is a software developer specializing in object-oriented programming.
8. Java is an object-oriented programming language.
9. A type of object-oriented programming language.
10. The first six chapters develop the foundations of object-oriented programming with ANSI - C .
11. One alternate to object-oriented programming is functional programming, and Python offers resources to program in a functional style, as well as object oriented and procedural.
12. The things to program in an object-oriented programming language are the classes.
13. object-oriented programming is often summarized as simply sending messages to objects.
14. ActionScript, a powerful object-oriented programming language[], is used to create client logic.
15. Those with an interest in object-oriented programming for large - scale programs and systems.
16. Polymorphism is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming language, after data abstraction and inheritance.
17. Bull; The use of an object-oriented programming language which is not suitable for analysis and design.
18. Ruby is a pure object-oriented programming language with a super clean syntax that makes programming elegant and fun.
19. Introduced to the object-oriented programming community in stages between 1995 and 1997, UML was approved by the Object Management Group (OMG) in late 1997.
20. Based on this method and adopts object-oriented programming technique, an emulator program module for construction process analysis of space structure is developed on the platform of MSTCAD.
21. I'll assume that you are already familiar with object-oriented programming concepts.
22. It is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language that is written in 100% pure Java and seamlessly integrated with the Java platform.
23. Due to the ladder diagram is not a structured object-oriented programming language; it is will be difficult for the development of complex real-time control systems.
24. The Java language assumes that you want to do only object-oriented programming.
25. This type equivalence via inheritance is one of the fundamental gateways in understanding the meaning of object-oriented programming.
26. Finally, based on the related knowledge of traffic engineering, the object-oriented programming thought has been used to design simulation software of artery traffic signal control system.
27. In its present form , it is now a complete object-oriented programming language.
28. Best of all, if the 48GX doesn't have a feature you desperately need, you can use the built-in Object-oriented programming language to create functions from scratch.
29. Objects in an ODBMS -- much like objects in an object-oriented programming language -- are bundles of data and behaviors.
30. Empty and Null are completely different beasts in any object-oriented programming language.
More similar words: structured programmingprogrammingreprogrammingmultiprogrammingcomputer programmingprogramming languageconscientious objectorobjectorprogramingprogrammeprogrammerprogrammableprogrammaticprograming languagedirect objectprogram managerindirect objectcomputer programmeoverhead projectorcomputer programmerapplication Program Interfaceorientedprogram generatordisorientedgoal-orientedincentive programmaintenance programprogram tradingaccounting programorienteering
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