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Meg in a sentence

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Sentence count:128+4Posted:2017-08-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: megamegatonmegawatthomegrownmegabytemegalithmegaphoneacromegalyMeaning: [me]  n. the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros. 
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61) It still had the gaunt, haunted look that had so put Meg off before.
62) Matthew Broderick and Meg Ryan are two jilted lovers who combine to seek revenge on their former partners.
63) A thin wiry woman, her name was Meg and not herself the full shilling.
64) Meg sat facing him[], looking across at the eastern shore.
65) Meg plays Alice, a cheerful hippy in the minutes before everything goes pear-shaped.
66) Meg had - this gift; the Lord saw fit - no qualms, she stole the jacket.
67) In mid-stream Meg let Ben take the oars from her, changing seats with him nimbly as the boat drifted slowly about.
68) Meg took the coffee cups to the sink and fetched a tablecloth from the dresser.
69) Meg Dennison was in a long black skirt and a blue patterned silk blouse with a bow at the neck.
70) After Meg had gone he lay there, thinking things through.
71) Meg had a ringside seat to research her latest role as a tough boxing coach.
72) Meg tried to hide her disgust at what she had just heard.
73) He and Meg are now spitting bile at one another through the Press.
74) David wrapped his arms lovingly around Meg and gave her a kiss.
75) Meg stayed with her, sleeping on an armchair close to the bed, willing her to live.
76) But mad or not, you are my only hope, Meg.
77) Meg shrilled, and she had lost her bag in her frenzy.
78) Meg felt as if she were now running from everyone.
79) Meg arranged the tea table.
80) Jim and Meg reside at the Grand Hotel.
81) As Meg appeared, Scrabble whisked into his hole.
82) Irma : Waiting a meg years, meet for us.
83) Meg looked up at her in dismay.
84) Meg felt the old woman's beady eyes on her.
85) Phil sees Meg after his date.
86) Meg and Gilbert are relaxing in first class.
87) Gordon: I would say the petite Meg Ryan.
88) Meg wasn't at all agreeable at breakfast time.
89) The MSI of primary somatosensory cortex was gotten by superimposing MEG data on MRI.
90) EEG ( electroencephalography ) and MEG ( magnetoencephalongraphy ) are noninvasive methods for exploring the neural electrical activities of brain.
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