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Intersystem in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-09-11Updated:2024-09-11
Similar words: center systemcluster systemwater systembarter systemcomputer systemmicrocomputer systemembedded computer systempower system
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1. The intersystem interference between WCDMA and TD-SCDMA base station is deeply analyzed, including co-site and coexistence.
2. CICS itself has its own private transactional intersystem communication (ISC) protocol, which is predominantly based upon the LU6.2 SNA formats and protocols.
3. Present invention discloses reliable intersystem messages notifying method and system to ensure messages reliable arrival.
4. As defined by ANSI - 41 , MAP standards address registration of roamers and intersystem handoff procedures.
5. In the paradigm of coupling PROLOG to DBMS, one of the key problems to be solved is efficiency. This problem strongly concerns the cost of each time intersystem communication.
6. The paper puts forward an analytical low-complexity method for intersystem interference estimation among communication equipment.
7. The environmental requirements for spacecraft and the EMC design technique used for the intersystem and intrasystem are included.
8. The essential elements within the system and the interaction of intersystem form the ecological system, economic system and social system, which produce composite results with the intervention of man.
9. 3GPP2 was born to evolve North American and Asian Cellular Radio-telecommunication Intersystem Operations into a third-generation system.
More similar words: center systemcluster systemwater systembarter systemcomputer systemmicrocomputer systemembedded computer systempower systemriver systemsewer systemvoucher systemfeeder systemnumber systemspeaker systemcarrier systemreceiver systemconveyer systemDistributed Computer Systeminterface systemsprinkler systeminteractive systemloudspeaker systembinary number systeminternational systeminternal control systeminternational system of unitsinternational monetary systemhonor systemsolar systemintersymbol interference
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