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LPC in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2024-03-22Updated:2024-03-22
Similar words: pulp cavity
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(1) In present, the most basical used parameters for speaker identification are linear predictive coding(LPC) parameter, Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient(MFCC), etc.
(2) Applying LPC data compress technique, under the control of DSP, realizing super - speed transmission in data.
(3) LPC Mel Cepstrum Coefficient(LPCMCC) which comes from LPC Cepstrum(LPCC) changed nonlinear by Mel scale according to human auditory characteristics, thus closer to human auditory system.
(4) Objective To explore some certain processes and effects of lysolecithin choline (LPC) in the pathogenesis of pancreatic encephalopathy (PE).
(5) Objective: To observe the effect of vitamine C on ischemia-reperfusion-like effect of exogenous Lysophosphatidylcholin(LPC) in isolated working rat heart models.
(6) Al present, the linear predictive coding (LPC) is the best method for voice analysis.
(7) In this paper, based on LPC analysis, a method for calculating the spectrum converted system unit impulse function is proposed so as to convert the spectral envelope efficiently.
(8) After researched with LPC algorithm, A Line Spectrum Pair (LSP) Based Algorithm for Helium Speech Enhancement is proposed in this paper.
(9) LPC 2368 ADC Sample Program source code integrity, and can be used directly.
(10) LSP parameters can be obtained by solving an N-order non-linear equation relating to the linear predictive coding(LPC) coefficients.
(11) MATLAB - based voice signal the LPC, with GUI interface and test data.
(12) Linear predictive coding(LPC)parameters are widely used in various speech coding algorithms for representing the spectral envelop information of speech.
(13) The linear predictive coding technology (LPC) is a kind of important voice signal processing technology. It is widely used in the fields of estimating voice signal parameters.
(14) APC is related to linear predictive coding ( LPC ) in that both use adaptive predictors.
(15) Lanthanum praseodymium - cerium rare earth ( LPC ) was a patent composition.
(16) The LPC from ryegrass have nutritional, healthy and drug effective value.
(17) In this thesis, based on LPC analysis, a method for calculating the spectrum converted system unit impulse function is proposed. So the spectral envelope is converted efficiently.
(18) A system has been proposed to fulfill the voice conversion between men and women based on the LPC analysis, which have compared with other methods, In addition, the result of subjective test is given.
(19) The intelligent home appliance controller based on CAN bus and LPC 2294 microprocessor was designed.
(20) The main researches are follows:1. This thesis researches on speech synthesis theory, articulatory synthesis technology, LPC synthesis and formant synthesis technology.
(21) The early TTS system often employs synthesis methods based on parameters, such as formant synthesis or LPC synthesis.
(22) On the basis of the principle of the linear predictive coding(LPC), an weighting overlaps average LPC power spectrum density estimation algorithm is proposed.
(23) Firstly we analyze the speech with reversed polarity and present the idea of post-filtering of the LPC residual of these voiced speech frames.
More similar words: pulp cavity
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