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1. Often, data access APIs such as JDBC and JPA provide only very generic information about the exception condition, and do not allow the specific cause to be effectively identified.
2. You don't have any JPA entities yet, so you will generate entities from an existing database.
3. When you have your JPA model in place, there are additional tools that are available that make your job easier, as the next list shows.
4. JPA prescribes that object relationships be decorated with persistence qualities.
5. It's because the JPA specification imposes a group-like behavior on the managed instances of a persistence context.
6. In our sample application, we have four corresponding JPA entities, as shown in the class diagram in Figure 4.
7. As you have learned from this article, JPA provides an easy way to persist data in your applications.sentencedict.com/JPA.html
8. A data access object (DAO) that uses JPA is packaged with a persistence.xml that defines persistence context for the JPA EntityManager used by the application.
9. A run time step, in which the JPA database calls are redirected to the pureQuery Runtime and to the appropriate DB2 package that contains the preprocessed SQL statements.
10. "Right now I am working on finishing JPA support with container-managed persistence," he told me when I sat down to talk to him just before Thanksgiving.
11. In a JPA application, you always deal directly with entity objects and do not have to write any of the underlying JDBC code to insert or update database rows.
12. JPA Manager Beans are an ideal programming model for use in two-tier Web environments.
13. JPA has a significant limitation: JPA does not fully support calling stored procedures with the OUT parameter.
14. The current JPA specification provides some elementary facilities for the customization of closures.
15. Other projects don't even try to mimic the full JPA specification: they just borrow what they want from it.
16. Some things that we have left to do are for example JSP tag library support in GSP, possible support for JPA as a plug-in[sentencedict.com], and improvements to our unit testing infrastructure.
17. Another example of message handling could be to construct JPA entities corresponding to the information from the exported document and store them in a database.
18. Some of it might only be required if the user selects a tab or opens another window, therefore, we load it lazily via the logic and JPA layer as shown in Listing 17.
19. This notion of run-time scope as a strict set of mutually referable classes is captured in JPA 1.0 as a persistence unit.
20. A single Comment Line column cannot do justice to all the new features in the JPA 2.0 specification.
21. This makes it so they are available to import by other bundles and, in this case, so the JPA entities can be accessed and data manipulated.
22. By configuring and running the sample application, you saw how straightforward it can be to begin using JPA for new development projects today.
23. Eventually, if the changes are consistent and isolated, then the server commits the changes to the database via the JPA API.