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Interfering in a sentence

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Sentence count:158+7Posted:2017-05-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: interfereinterfere ininterferenceinterfere withuser interfacecustomer interfaceenter intoenteringMeaning: [‚ɪntə(r)fərɪŋ]  adj. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner. 
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61) Their independence reduced the executive's capacity for interfering in the legal process.
62) Bush custom forbade anyone listening in on one of these conversations or interfering with the servants' duties.
63) Therefore, they argued, their contempt citations for interfering with the trial process were invalid.
64) A Newsweek reporter, press credentials pinned to his coat and not interfering with police, was coolly and systematically beaten.
65) She's an interfering busybody!
66) This process of dealing with her impressions was dovetailed into her everyday tasks without the two activities interfering with each other.
67) Under his breath the man quietly cursed the interfering clerk who could bring his master's grand design to nothing.
68) Things were going so well that she didn't want anyone else interfering with what she had worked so hard for.
69) Now a generation of southern Republicans, brought up resenting the interfering ways of the federal government, is wielding disproportionate power.
70) Although there is once again some interfering aspirates, some improvement is noticeable, and the text in recitatives is better delivered.
71) He was constantly interfering in her life, lecturing her, ordering her about.
72) To them, she appeared an interfering busybody, a pushy incomer meddling with their heritage.
73) Evidence is mounting against the received wisdom that interfering with a person's cholesterol intake can reliably alter his or her destiny.
74) When she said I was interfering, I was a bit put out.
75) She thinks we're interfering but we're only doing it because we care.
76) He was also convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and interfering with witnesses.
77) Another area of the offside law under examination concerns interfering with play.
78) These interfering substances are adsorbed on to zeolite, silicic acid, or magnesium silicate.
79) Interfering with or preventing children from developing cognitive autonomy discourages their efforts to learn how to learn.
80) Coffee has been blamed for increasing the pulse rate and for interfering with the efficiency of the digestive process.
81) Commodity price stabilisation schemes appeared to be aimed at interfering with market forces, i.e. demand and supply.
82) For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.
83) The mind was a delicate mechanism that he disliked interfering with at the best of times.
84) Doors that swing inwards present the problem of curtain fabric interfering with the operation of the doors.
85) He's an interfering busybody!
86) All this can be done without interfering with the operational or planning processes currently under way in the organization.
86) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
87) I dislike my mother's interfering in the affair.
88) Methods The interfering test on Hirudo Injection.
89) The noise is interfering with my sleep.
90) The definition of ASPBs is stated, and the optical setup for surface plasmon polariton (SPP) excitation and mathematical expressions for interfering SPP fields are proposed.
More similar words: interfereinterfere ininterferenceinterfere withuser interfacecustomer interfaceenter intoenteringbanteringcounterfeitercounterintuitivecounterfeitinterfaceofferingpilferingsufferinginterimprinterinteriorsprintersuperintendentperfervidalteringfilteringtotteringfalteringlitteringpesteringmutteringfluttering
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