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Graphics in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+8Posted:2017-04-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: graphictelegraphicdemographicgeographicalphotographicbiographicalautobiographicalgraphiteMeaning: n. 1. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication 2. the drawings and photographs in the layout of a book. 
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181. You might, for instance, want to put Windows PaintBrush in with your other graphics programs.
182. It will be useful for processor hungry applications - spreadsheets, graphics applications, and multitasking spring readily to mind.
183. Similarly, the three icons at the bottom of the toolbox can be accessed via the Text and Graphics pull-down menus.
184. Compared to other graphics fairs, the London event was seen to be somewhat old fashioned in its approach and emphasis.
185. The page description language also allows graphics to be incorporated; rules, tones, line drawings and so on.
186. Does it allow graphics to be scaled up or down to fit?
187. One was its bit-mapped display, allowing for the flexibility of type and graphics that one gets from the printed page.
188. Scientific graphics Statistical computing has not been the only impact of modern technology on epidemiology since 1965.
189. The quality of graphics in Death Watch is breathtaking and adds greatly to the atmosphere of fantasy and adventure.
190. F117A is a fully featured flight simulator with excellent VGA graphics and joystick or keyboard control.
191. But sometimes it takes many hits to download one Web page, especially if the page is loaded with graphics.
192. But they vary in terms of gameplay, interaction with the gaming environment, graphics, storyline and system requirements.
193. This figure shows how the menu appears on a monochrome monitor equipped with a color graphics board.
194. It is recommended for demanding graphics applications such as three-dimensional modelling and visualisation.
195. Can it read text files from a word processor and pictures from a graphics package?
196. The Web allows almost anyone on the Internet to produce online documents that combine text, graphics,[] audio and video clips.
197. Steepler is planning to major on offering the machines for running graphics applications.
198. One of the most powerful selling points of any of today's home computers are the graphics facilities they offer.
199. The performance is easily good enough for heavy-duty disk intensive applications such as databases and large graphics applications, as well as Windows 3.1 work.
200. It runs well on all graphics adapter types and has no special hardware requirements.
201. Like other graphics, fonts can be described in a high level manner, or as bit mapped images.
202. It all started several years ago when Matthew was commissioned to produce a graphics pattern for the film processing industry.
203. These chips have been very disappointing in the graphics performance they can offer.
204. It's an eight-way-scrolling arcade extravaganza with graphics and sound I could have cheerfully shot my grandmother for.
205. And their full-color prints of graphics and photographs are beginning to rival the quality of commercial print shops.
206. A full-length GA-300 video card is fitted using the S3 86C911 graphics accelerator.
207. The stunning VGA graphics and optional Sound Blaster support will hold the young user's attention.
208. Egeria also takes advantage of Bull's own library of graphics functions.
209. This was in the early days of the personal computer when graphics software was scarce.
210. I would like to learn more about the whole new world of computerized art, not only for music but for graphics.
More similar words: graphictelegraphicdemographicgeographicalphotographicbiographicalautobiographicalgraphitegraphhieroglyphicsbar graphepigraphgraphemehomographbiographyautographparagraphholographtelegraphgeographypolygraphtopographypictographmimeographphonographcalligraphydemographyphotographcartographyphotography
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