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Fish in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+87Posted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: FishPiscesPisces the FishesangleSimilar words: fisheryfishingraffishselfishfishermanbig fishunselfishjellyfishMeaning: [fɪʃ]  n. 1. any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills 2. the flesh of fish used as food 3. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces 4. the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20. v. 1. seek indirectly 2. catch or try to catch fish or shellfish. 
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211. The male fish develops extended filaments on the dorsal fin.
212. Sulphur, falling as acid rain, is killing fish in the Great Lakes.
213. We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish.
214. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the fish.
214. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
215. There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.
216. The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.
217. Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore.
218. A large fish heaved itself up out of the water.
219. The size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks.
220. After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on.
221. Because of pollution(, this lake is now too acid to support fish.
222. In South Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.
223. Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.
224. The restaurant pays cash on delivery for fish, which the local fishermen like.
225. Lift the fish and carefully place it on a large board, flat side uppermost.
226. The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride.
227. Use a proper fish knife and fork if possible as they are designed to cut through the flesh but not the bones.
228. He first learnt to fish under the watchful eye of his grandmother.
229. The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.
230. The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate.
231. Fish was a major source of protein for the working man.
232. The soup was concocted from up to a dozen different kinds of fish.
233. Playing for the reserve team is a totally different kettle of fish.
234. The best utensil for steaming is a wok because its width easily accommodates a whole fish.
235. Oyster beds, on the mudflats, are a form of fish farming.
236. The fish we'd caught flopped around in the bottom of the boat.
237. It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.
238. I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed.
239. He played the poor fish until it rolled, belly up, from exhaustion.
240. A shoal of fish swam past heading for the open sea .
More similar words: fisheryfishingraffishselfishfishermanbig fishunselfishjellyfishloaves and fishesfistfistedfiscalpacifismfiscal yearconfiscateconfiscationdishwishperishIrishparishmishapbanishfetishcherishrakishpolishdish outravishimpish
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