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Ferret in a sentence

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Sentence count:72+3Posted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: huntsearchweaselSimilar words: ferret outpreferredgarretdeterrentreferringrobespierreferris wheeltransferringMeaning: ['ferɪt]  n. 1. musteline mammal of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct 2. domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits. v. 1. hound or harry relentlessly 2. hunt with ferrets 3. search and discover through persistent investigation. 
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31, An assortment of well-ventilated ferret carrying-boxes. Take your pick A compartmental ferret-box - the ferrets sitting placidly.
32, The line ferret is in close contact with the quarry, as the line confirms.
33, Ask yourself this: Could a ferret ever do what Lassie used to do on that old television series?
34, Whether such a ferret fatality can be attributed to it remaining unmated is highly debatable.
35, This allows a smallish ferret to pass through the mesh.
36, Another ferret disease is mange, which affects the animals' feet and tails.
37, If lost, the ferret can not survive for any length of time.
38, Line is paid out as the ferret begins its investigation.
39, Can a journalist ferret out the facts while operating as a one-man band?
40, How we used to ferret out the info, gradually piecing together the clues.
41, The opponents also wanted to ferret out the guilty(, but they insisted that the rights protected.
42, To ferret out only whole words, press the spacebar once before and once after typing the search word.
43, Blackbirds, wrens and some others will mock a ferret just as readily as they mock any other predator.
44, Thank goodness for the debunkers like Hymes who ferret out the frauds and expose the poseurs.
45, Any ferret can carry the transmitting device that provides the signal to be picked up by the hand-held locator.
46, Successful dig - both rabbit and ferret are in sight.
47, This is a two-man job of work since you need one to hold the ferret securely while the other ties the knots.
48, I can't ferret out how to work the machine.
49, At last I managed to ferret out the truth.
50, I'll ferret out Fox and her gang.
51, A one to ferret out,( criticizing each other and demands.
52, For example, in the second experiment, participants could still ferret out the gay face when shown the eye region sans eyebrows and cropped to the outer canthi.
53, After my Apple news site, Think Secret, published details of Apple's Mac mini two weeks before the product was officially announced, the company sued me in an attempt to ferret out the leaker.
54, Whatever is the matter, Cousin Benjamin? a cat? or John Ferret?
55, To exercise the ferret: to have sex. An unromantic male expression equating the penis with the aggressive, hyperactive animal and its well-known proclivity for wriggling into crevices and tunnels.
56, In the Kronotsky Nature Reserve you can also meet wolverines – animals that from the first sight are something between a small bear and a big ferret.
57, They can also ferret out toxins as well as whole microorganisms.
58, It is the responsibility of the subsurface stratigrapher to ferret out from these studies, or materials.
59, Fur garments are made of selected fur skins of weasel, Zhejiang lamb, blue fox, mink, raccoon, leopard, ferret, leopard cat, raccoon dog, badger, rabbit and so forth.
60, We will drop down with the current a short distance, and ferret him out.
More similar words: ferret outpreferredgarretdeterrentreferringrobespierreferris wheeltransferringferromagneticextraterrestrialerrerrorterracherrymerryterrorerrantterrainerraticterrifyerratumarrearbarrelmarredarrestofferterribleterrificerroneousterribly
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