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Exploring in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+4Posted:2017-04-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: imploringimploringlyexploreunexploredexplorationtailoringexplodeexploit
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211 The sea culture in Xia and Shang Dynasties presented as hazy sea conscious, sea god worship, sea travel and taking sea as shelter, exploring offshore resources and certain sail ability.
212 By exploring the con nation, expression and ideological roots of illusional space, the paper shows the high unity of the spirit and form in illusional space.
213 Because inquiry learning curriculum is still at exploring and pilot stage at present, to further investigation of this problem, have certain foresightedness.
214 OR structures are the first ones to employ photo-reactivetechnology at an architectural scale, exploring its applicability to the fields of construction and design.
215 LI Hui (2000) The Advance of Genetics Studies on Phenylthiocarbamide Tasting. Exploring Researches on Evolution and Genetics. Shanghai: Institute of Genetics.
216 Captain James Cook, after exploring South Georgia in 1775, dutifully reported an "island of ice" that he briefly mistook for the southern continent he had been sent to find.
217 The foundation said grant recipient Eric Lam at Rutgers University in New Jersey is exploring tomatoes as a antiviral drug delivery system.
218 Yiding Li is always pursuing improvement in exploring exterior expressive style and inner deep feelings of music.
219 Truth of Life-My Trichotomy of Epistemology, written by Mr. Zhou Deyi, is an excellent academic book exploring harmony philosophy.
220 ASA is exploring how to enhance its global outreach and undoubtedly there will be cross-fertilization between societies like the ASA and CSA.
221 Useful for exploring diverse mathematical algorithms, the open source computer algebra system known as Axiom is released under a modified Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license.
222 The outfit of the exploring party took only half a month.
223 Objective : Exploring the correlations of spiritual belief and coping style.
224 Focusing on the possibility of exploring the saturated unitary fatty alcohol as a thermal energy storage phase change material(PCM),[] 1 octadecanol was investigated by the calorimetry.
More similar words: imploringimploringlyexploreunexploredexplorationtailoringexplodeexploitexplodedexplosionexplosiveexploitedexploitableexploitationboringadoringmooringsporing overneighboringexplainexplicitexpletiveimploredeploreexplicateexplanationdeplorableinexplicablefloridflorist
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